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Sitting down to read and drink some decaf coffee ☕️! It‘s cold and snowy outside. #otherlandbuddyread

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You guys, I have FINALLY gotten through the first major section of Otherland Vol. 1!! I‘m glad I‘m finally making progress on this book. Goodreads tells me I started this on Dec. 12, 2016!! Not to mention that it was given to me as a gift in the late 1990‘s. Probably 1998, which makes it one of the oldest unread books in my collection! #MountTBR #otherlandbuddyread

DivineDiana 👏🏻📚👏🏻 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai I gotta get my butt in gear! 😅 7y
Cathythoughts Well done 💃🏾 7y
DivaDiane @GrilledCheeseSamurai Have you fallen behind? I‘m a super slow reader and I‘m managing about 5-10 pages a day, so don‘t try too hard! 7y
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February | Lisa Moore
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7 books total (of 10 ytd)
Only 4 from my #mountTBR 😱The kid‘s books were all new. #mountTBRchallenge

They are all quite short books though. I started reading Otherland Vol. 1 again, so that‘s going to lower my numbers for March even more! #otherlandbuddyread @GrilledCheeseSamurai

julesG Die drei??? 😍 - should you ever want more of those, let me know. We have a few lying around and my kids don't read them (Blasphemy!). 7y
DivaDiane Yes! Mein Sohn liebt die drei ??? !!! Er hat bisher nur die drei ??? kids gelesen, aber er könnte die „normalen“ bestimmt lesen. Ich habe ihm eben 2 neuen gekauft als ich neulich in D‘land war. Welche habt ihr? 7y
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I‘m finally getting back into this! I was hoping I could get the audiobook so I wouldn‘t have to lug this brick around (770 pages of hardcover), but Audible doesn‘t have it (in English! In German, yes! English, no?!?) and neither does my library. I will do my best to read from it every day, but I may get through it quickly!
#OtherlandBuddyRead @GrilledCheeseSamurai

LazyDays Ive been trying to read this book for a long while now! Let me know how you like it!👏☺🌈 7y
DivaDiane @LazyDays Join is! This will be a relaxed read, since I can‘t/won‘t drag it around with me. I‘m only 130 pages in. I‘m enjoying it, but it‘s not soooo amazing that I just have to read it every chance I get. Hence, it‘s been on my #MountTBR and #currentlyreading list forever. I‘ve taken long breaks as other books have distracted me. 🤭 7y
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I‘m on page 122 of our #OtherlandBuddyRead with @GrilledCheeseSamurai . I think I‘ll back up a bit to refresh my memory.

Andrew65 I quite often have to do that during buddy Reads if been a few days since I read it. 7y
DivaDiane @Andrew65 Sorry, I got confused and tagged you first! 🤭 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai I'm about to sit down and take a bite out of this. I only finished the intro last night. 😂 7y
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Here's the first few words of City Of Golden Shadow, from the Otherland series.

There's just something about the way Tad Williams tells a story that clicks with me. I've heard lots of folk complain about him being to wordy or slow moving. Not me. The man could write a book about eating a sandwich and I'd buy the hardcover! 🙋‍♂️

So happy to be back in his words again. 😍


Reggie Yeeesh that last sentence!!! Lol 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Reggie haha. Awesome. It was that last sentence that made me wanna blurb it! 👍 7y
DivaDiane Yeah, those bits are very evocative, but I have to wonder what the two different settings have to do with one another? How long do we have to wait to be clues in? Do you remember? 7y
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GrilledCheeseSamurai @DivaDiane This first book, honestly, is like a reeeeeeeally long set-up book for the rest of the series. To really grasp what is happening and to and to get to the real meat and potatoes of the story, well, you're probably gonna have to wait until book 2 7y
DivaDiane Ok, that‘s good to know. I can go along with that knowing in advance! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @DivaDiane it's a helluva set up though 😁. And the way the book ends really makes you want to jump right into the next one. 👍 7y
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I'm done work for the next 2 and a half days! 🙌

I got a few errands to run in the morning and after that I am hibernating in my house, locking my doors, ignoring the world, and sticking my nose in a book(s). The only human contact I want are fictional characters and my fellow Littens.

Celebrating with a cold beer and kicking things off by starting #OtherlandBuddyRead right now.

vivastory Enjoy your time off! 📚🍺☕🍷🍩🍫🍪 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @vivastory Thank you. I am so peopled out from the holidays and am very excited for some alone time! 😍 7y
TricksyTails Yay! Hope you enjoy your much needed relaxation! 📚🍻 7y
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GypsyKat Enjoy your time off! Those kind of days are so good for the soul! 😊 7y
GripLitGrl Enjoy your tume off! Some well deserved time for you🍻 7y
Cortg Enjoy! Sounds wonderful! 7y
minkyb Enjoy! 7y
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Dragonbone Chair | Tad Williams
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#NYBirthdayGiveaway @LazyOwl

Another one of my favorite Fantasy books/series is Tad Williams Memory Sorrow and Thorn trilogy. Prolly even my number 1.

You know how people go bananas over LOTR's (myself included)? Well, this series is my LOTR's.

What I mean to say is - I'm obsessed with it. It's usually my go to for 'best of lists' and I love, love it!

And the best thing is, Tad just started a 2nd trilogy last year continuing the story. ❤️😍❤️

TricksyTails Another series I need to start! Adding to the TBR! 7y
TricksyTails So would you recommend to start these before Hobb if I were picking one series? 7y
Cinfhen Great graphics 🙌🏻 7y
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GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails That's a tough call. Both are great and both are...I dont mean this in a bad way...but both are kind of slow burns. Meaning that between some great action there is LOTS of character development. Some people stumble with that. Personally? Well...this one is my all time fav for fantasy...so yeah. Either way you go - great reading! 👌 7y
TricksyTails Hahaha did that answer my question? I'm not sure...😂 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails Tad is VERY wordy. In all his books. But so is Hobb's. Tad Williams and Neil Gaiman are pretty much tied as my personal favorite authors. Robin Hobb's is great and I LOVE her books, but she is a little further down the list of favs. 😉 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Cinfhen thank you. 🤗🤗🤗 7y
TricksyTails Got it! 👍 Thanks! Maybe an easier question, this series first or Otherland? 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails Well...Otherland is more modern/scifi and MS&T is straight up fantasy. Both are excellent. So whichever you prefer. MS&T is shorter then Otherland too. Not counting this new trilogy that he's started. I'm kinda shitting the bed on giving you proper answers aren't I? 😂 7y
TricksyTails 😂 It'll be my last tough question of the night. Thank you for your input! 🤗 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails I'm apt to say Otherland but only because of the #OtherlandBuddyRead that a few of us are just starting so you'd have peeps to talk about it with. 👍 7y
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Pigeon English | Stephen Kelman
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So these are the books on my plate right now. There‘re 2 buddy reads, which count also for my #MountTBRchallenge (#OtherlandBuddyRead & #EpicBuddyRead #NameoftheWind). There‘re also 2 collections for the #PoetryChallenge2018 and the new book for #GroupX‘s #LPMBC, which I thought I should keep Secret! ThankS for sending it @jhod !

DivaDiane Oh dear, I‘m such a dork. 7y
TricksyTails Those are some chunksters! 7y
TricksyTails Oh! Also, did you receive your matches email for #FeedAReader? Would you mind confirming receipt? Thank you! 7y
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BeckyK I‘ve just had to have a look into #LPMBC and it looks like such fun! Hope I can get into the 2nd round! :) 7y
jhod @Beckykearns it's been great! 7y
Andrew65 These should keep you busy @DivaDiane. I‘ve currently got two on the go for #yearoftheChunkster, Ireland:Awakening by Edward Rutherfurd and like you Name Of The Wind but WELL behind on it. Also got a smaller book on the go for #MountTBRChallenge , Elegy for Edidie by Jacqueline Winspear. The next audiobook I start will be Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith for #LitsyAtoZ. Certainly no time to get bored! 7y
DivaDiane @Andrew65 Haha! You are just like me, reading several books at the same time. I blame it on formats: Hardcover, paperback, ebook, audiobook, SerialReader, poetry, kids book, the book I‘m reading to my husband! Oh boy, that‘s 8 Books, potentially simultaneously. 😳No wonder it takes me forever to finish books! I haven‘t chosen my next audio book though. (edited) 7y
Andrew65 @DivaDiane At the moment not listening to anything as off work till the 8th and use them for commuting, when I‘m too tired to physically read (which funnily enough doesn‘t happen when I‘m not at work 😂), or long distance journeys. My last two are The Midnight Rose by Lucinda Riley and Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. I have Child 44 by Rom Rob Smith, Assassin‘s Apprentice by Robin Hobb and I Found You by Lisa Jewell lined up next. (edited) 7y
DivaDiane Sounds awesome! Literally! 7y
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@DivaDiane and I are about to do a #OtherlandBuddyRead of City of Golden Shadow (1st of 4 in the Otherland series).

I read these back when they first came out in the mid 90's and as Tad is one of my favorite authors I wanted to revisit. It's a casual (side book) read so if any one else wants to join in...go for it! It's a no pressure go at your own pace kinda thing. @DivaDiane has already started and I'm gonna begin this week/weekend. 🙌

DivaDiane Awesome, thanks for this! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @DivaDiane I'm so excited to re-read this (can you tell 🤗! Last year I re-read his Memory Sorrow and Thorn series and had a blast! TAs is a top 3 level author for me. 🙌 7y
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Soubhiville Have fun! That‘s a great series!!! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I read them as they came out too! I know that @2BR02B is a fan as well. 7y
DivaDiane @GrilledCheeseSamurai I can tell you love his writing! I have to say, my first book by him was Tailchaser‘s Song and it was a DNF. I couldn‘t understand it, because I love cats and that title... well, I‘ve been reluctant to read anything more, but I have Otherland (which was a gift) and the first of M, S and T also. Hoping to get over the disappointment of T‘s S. 7y
2BR02B @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I am, but I've only read the first... And it was about three years ago now. I've been trying to decide if I should reread it before reading River of Blue Fire. 7y
2BR02B So I might lowkey read along with you guys, if that's cool. 👻 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @2BR02B That's totally cool! Like I said, it's a casual re-read. No pressure or deadlines. It's just fun knowing there are peeps to talk with that are reading what you are at the same time! 👍 7y
2BR02B @GrilledCheeseSamurai any plans to continue the series as a readalong? 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @2BR02B Oh heck yeah! I'm going for broke! Can't just stop after book one. 😁🙌👍 7y
TricksyTails Ooh! Fun! I'll need to see if my library has a copy. I suck at keeping up with my own buddy read so not sure how well I'll keep up but I'll do my best! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails feel free to join in. 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails I capped out on the name of the wind this past weekend so now I'm waiting again to read more. 😂 #EpicBuddyRead 7y
TricksyTails Yay! That's awesome! 👏😁 I'm so behind! It's embarrassing! 🙈 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails eeeeeeeh. It's not a race. The most important part is just enjoying! 👍 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TricksyTails now hurry the hell up. 😲😂 7y
TricksyTails 😭😭😭 7y
Marmie7 ✋I want to join this!! Ugh..so many books, so very little time. I'm not even close to retirement age🙄 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Marmie7 awesome! I plan on starting up probably Sunday - Monday! Those are my normal days off. But join in when you want or can. Just use the #OtherlandBuddyRead tag so we can all discuss! 🙌 7y
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