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Oroonoko | Aphra Behn
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I‘m not quite sure how best to describe this tragic romance wrapped up in a slave narrative. Although seeming strangely uneven to me in the way Oroonoko was treated, it details the brutality of slavery. I can appreciate its impact when written by a woman and published in 1688.

I had this in my TBR for #ReadingTheAmericas2023 but just got to it today. #Suriname

#1001books #audiobook

Murder of a Movie Star | L. B. Hathaway
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I lost my dad shortly after Christmas. Aside from finishing The Feast of the Goat, I‘m sticking to lighthearted books for now because I‘m too sad for heavy literature. Lots of P.G. Wodehouse, lots of cozy mysteries and vintage-set mysteries. It‘ll be okay, eventually. I sure wish I had thought to ask my dad to read along with me in #readingtheamericas2023. He would have had interesting things to say about all my books. :(

SamAnne Condolences. 6mo
Librarybelle So sorry for your loss 6mo
mabell I‘m so sorry! Lighthearted reads are completely understandable. Wodehouse is perfect for that! I just relistened to The Mating Season read by Jonathan Cecil. One of my favorites! Take care ❤️ 6mo
Cupcake12 sorry for your loss, sending my thoughts to you and your family x 6mo
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The Feast of the Goat: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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Your cup of coffee or glass of rum must taste better, the smoke of your cigar, a swim in the ocean on a hot day, the movie you see on Saturday, the merengue on the radio, everything must leave a more pleasurable sensation in your body and spirit when you had what Trujillo had taken away from Dominicans thirty-one years ago: free will. #readingtheamericas2023 #dominicanrepublic

The Feast of the Goat: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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It had been this malaise of so many years‘ duration - thinking one thing and doing something that contradicted it every day - that led him, in the secret recesses of his mind, to condemn Trujillo to death, to convince himself that as long as Trujillo lived, he and many other Dominicans would be condemned to this awful queasy sickness of constantly having to lie to themselves and deceive everyone else…#readingtheamericas2023 #dominicanrepublic

azulaco …of having to be two people in one, a public lie and a private truth that could not be expressed. 6mo
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The Feast of the Goat: A Novel | Mario Vargas Llosa
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I didn‘t get close to finishing #readingtheamericas2023, but I want to continue it, so I‘ll be #readingtheamericas in 2024 as well. I‘ll be using the books in the Around the World in 80 Books challenge on Goodreads as well. Anyone else still #readingtheamericas in 2024? @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle thanks for hosting and have a good time #readingoceania2024!

Librarybelle Sounds like a great plan! 6mo
BarbaraBB I am sure you‘re not the only one! 6mo
Susanita We watched the movie at my old office. It was…awkward. 6mo
Sace Almost 5 months in to 2024 and I‘m just discovering readingtheamericas. 😂 going forward I‘m going to try to add that theme to my reading life. I‘ve got so many books on my shelves that would fit. 3mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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2023 was an excellent year. I finished the challenges I set out to finish. I read lots more than just books for challenges, such as several books about the history of Italy for my epic trip there and at least one chunkster, Papillon

Thanks to some overlap here are the totals:
#LitsyAtoZ 118
#Foodandlit 20 for 12 countries
#AuthoraMonth 13 for 12 authors
#ReadingtheAmericas at least 50 for 50 countries
#SeriesLove2023 17

Thanks to all the hosts!

Librarybelle Excellent!!! 7mo
Gissy Congratulations📚📚📚🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏 7mo
Texreader @Gissy @Librarybelle Thanks very much y‘all! Compared to a lot of folks on Litsy, it‘s a pretty low number and I‘ve learned to accept that. I get the total every year but it‘s not my goal. I absolutely love the challenges. 7mo
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TheBookgeekFrau Congratulations 🎊🎊 7mo
Texreader @TheBookgeekFrau Thank you! So much fun to get those challenges knocked out and to find such great books (and a few duds) doing them! 7mo
Catsandbooks That's amazing!! 👏🏼👏🏼💖 7mo
Amiable Thanks for the tag but I didn‘t host any of these challenges! 😬 7mo
TheSpineView Well done!📚📚📚 7mo
Andrew65 That;s brilliant and well done on finishing #ReadingTheAmericas2023, I‘ve still got a few countries, and especially the small islands, to mop up. 7mo
Texreader @Amiable I ran out of space but I did do a chunkster. Isn‘t that your challenge? 7mo
Amiable @Texreader Yes! I was thinking that I thought you‘d done a chunkster but I couldn‘t remember which one(s) — I still have PTSD from “Clarissa,” I think. The brain is slow. 😄 7mo
Gissy @Texreader Every year is different and sometimes, there books that take time to read them because of the length of the book or because the topic. There are month were we are just busy🤷🏽‍♀️But keep trying to read. You did it fantastic. If you say to any person that you read 118 books in a year, they will be surprised. That is a lot, even 50, 20 books is an amazing amount, with work, family and daily duties, it‘s fabulou. 7mo
Texreader @Gissy thanks! You are so right. Numbers fluctuate for so many reasons. When I first joined litsy years ago I felt so inadequate when I‘d see other folks‘ numbers (my numbers were much much lower). I‘ve definitely upped my game but it‘s still so inconsistent. So I‘ve learned not to let them bother me. 7mo
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Bad Girls: A Novel | Camila Sosa Villada
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I didn't read every country in the Western Hemisphere, but did pretty well this year! Lots of new knowledge and insights! Thank you @BarbaraBB and @LibraryBelle for this year's #ReadingtheAmericas2023!

Librarybelle Wow! Impressive! Congratulations, and thanks for joining us!! 7mo
Bookwormjillk Nicely done! 7mo
BarbaraBB You did so good!! Thanks for joining!! 7mo
Singout And more books on my to-read list that I didn‘t get to! Going to send some recs to my former coworker who specialty was collaborating with organizations in Latin America for human rights and justice. 7mo
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Highly recommended: captures the courage and terror of people fleeing through #Mexico from #Guatemala, #ElSalvador, and #Honduras in the hope of a safer life in the U.S. Centred on “The Beast,“ a train to which people cling in any way possible through Mexico. Martinez does a fabulous job of interviewing people from various backgrounds and at all stages of the journey. #ReadingtheAmericas2023 #Nonfiction2023 #StillHaventfoundwhatI'mLookingFor

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I completed 45 books from the #1001books list this year for an updated total of 253 out of 1,318!

A few were rereads but from long enough ago that I didn‘t have dates in Goodreads. As usual, there were books I just pushed through to finish as well as fantastic reads.

Several were read for the #Reading1001 group, including 13 for #TBRTakedown. Many others were read with or for various readalong groups and challenges listed in the comments.

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Bad Girls: A Novel | Camila Sosa Villada

This was excellent: a narrative of an emerging trans woman who becomes a sex trade worker and finds a community of others, led by a unbelievably older woman and adopting a baby boy. It really brings to life, the strength of the community, including both the love, and the pain That exist there as well as the phobias that tried to crush sex work and trans people.
#ReadingTheAmericas2023 #Argentina

BarbaraBB This sounds good! Happy new year 🎆 7mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! 7mo
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