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Anna K | Jenny Lee
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Bailed at 37%. I really gave it a try for the #booked2023 #RetellingofaClassic prompt, but I'll be selecting another one from my shelf. The audiobook narrator was fine - she was youthful and exuberant. But 5 hours into nearly 14 hours of the book, I just can't continue.

I don't mind the insipidness of the wealthy teens, dropping name brands and struggling with relationships. However, the brand dropping was a bit over the top. Sometimes,

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick just saying cashmere gets the point across. Another gripe is that my suspicion that the author is a Gen X-er (or an elder millennial) is correct. There is a 90s themed party and mentions of 80s & 90s movies, all used as a kitschy theme or interest of these kids, born in the new millennium. It didn't come across as a cute theme party. It feels like Jenny Lee had zero interest in learning about the generation she's writing about or only knows 13mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick two teens. One girl found My So-Called Life in a Netflix deep dive and then talks about her mom enjoying Sixteen Candles, so she watched and is now talking about finding her Jake Ryan, like she's been pining for him for the last 38 years. It just felt like an anachronistic and less exciting Gossip Girl. Give me the disgusting Chuck Bass and complicated Blair/Serena friendship over these vanilla cheaters any day. 13mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @TheAromaofBooks At least this month's #Bookspin selection can be removed from my physical shelf. 13mo
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Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick #rushathon @andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES Not exactly a book I fully read, but it was time spent. On to the next! 13mo
LiteraryinPA Great review! 13mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 13mo
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't the right fit. Hopefully the next read works better!! 13mo
Andrew65 Oh no 😫 Hope the next one is better for you. 13mo
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Pride | Ibi Zoboi
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Here I am with another #unpopularopinion. Zuri was insufferable; hyper-sensitive when she felt disrespected, but proudly judged & disrespected anyone she felt was "bougie" & not black enough. Too many 1-dimentional caricatures of nasty rich folk who presumably didn't like Zuri b/c she's hood, & her hood status made her "realer" than anyone else. Writing was juvenile, unrealistic, & full of stereotypes. The love story felt forced & dry. 1.5⭐️s??

KT1432 I'm disappointed b/c this could've been an excellent illustration of class dynamics, but ended up losing all credibility with me. We got a bunch of broad-stroke interactions that were so exaggerated it almost felt like satire. Zuri's behavior is never addressed & doesn't change. She thinks blacks who speak proper are corny, yet she's well-read & aspires to go to Howard. Her character had too many incongruities. Narration was great tho. 5y
SW-T I wasn‘t crazy about Zuri either for basically the same reasons. 5y
KT1432 @SW-T yeah something was just off about her character. I couldn't really root for her. 5y
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What if Aladdin never found the lamp? Answer: It would be very very bad!

This was a LOT darker than I thought it would be and I loved it anyway! The perfect mix of nostalgia and excitement as this familiar tale takes a whole new direction.
#pop19 #retellingofaclassic #disney

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My Plain Jane | Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand
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This series continues to be unbelievably fun! Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books, and then you add ghosts and pop culture references and authors who are willing to go ANYWHERE...it's hard to read this without a giant smile on your face.

#litsyatoz @BookishMarginalia #pop19 #retellingofaclassic

imabusybee I love these books I can not wait for the next 3 💖 6y
ferskner @imabusybee Me neither! I want them to do all the famous Janes forever! 6y
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