Ok, I had a pretty hard time coming up with my #romancechallenge entry for #24in48. It probably doesn't qualify, but here it is.
#24in48 @24in48
Ok, I had a pretty hard time coming up with my #romancechallenge entry for #24in48. It probably doesn't qualify, but here it is.
#24in48 @24in48
#24in48 #hour18 #romancechallenge I read a handful of historical romances in high school and then took a 20+ year break from the genre. I rediscovered romance novels a couple years ago, starting with Penny Reid. I love her “smart romances”. I then went looking for a new historical romance author and discovered Sarah MacLean. I‘ve been hooked ever since. This is some of my print and ebook collection. 😍
Uh-oh...I have to confess: I can count the romance novels I‘ve read on one hand. (if that!) Does Rainbow Rowell or Debbie Macomber count? I get most of my scandalous content from all the celeb memoirs I read. So please give me your rom-com recs, even if they might make my hair curlier! 🤣