Baby Leah approves of chocolate donuts and reading Sarah MacLean! I can‘t wait to figure out Ewan‘s side of the story. #BareknuckleBastards #SarahMacLean #Romance
Baby Leah approves of chocolate donuts and reading Sarah MacLean! I can‘t wait to figure out Ewan‘s side of the story. #BareknuckleBastards #SarahMacLean #Romance
Believe all the hype people! This is a gem of a historical romance with strong, fiesty Felicity, and dark, broody Devil. #romantsy #historicalromance #sarahmaclean
“This story begins with the boys.”
#currentlyreading #bareknucklebastards #felicityfaircloth #sarahmaclean #yes #romantsy #exceptshewasadaughter #prologue
Because apparently one copy of Nine Rules to Break isn‘t enough, I ordered the UK edition. I feel much safer now.
#singletitlecollections #chooseyourownedition #romantsy #historical #ninerulestobreak #sarahmaclean #onlyeverralston #belovedbookshelf #bookcollector #mylibrary
And now I'm current. About to finish this historical. #sarahmaclean #elevenscandalstostarttowinadukesheart #currentread
Easily my fav quote from this book. Cross has sexy bones. #onegoodearldeservesalover #sarahmaclean #ohpippaneverchange
"I'm strange." "You are."
lol these two ❤️??
Again I need to thank @megt for her fab recs- you are never wrong lady!
#onegoodearldeservesalover #sarahmaclean #lol
My birthday #bookhaul yay! Super excited! 😎❤️✨🌹🌷🍰🎂💫🎉🤓😍#afteryou #jojomoyes #thesebrokenstars #starboundtrilogy #everythingeverything #nicolayoon #thehandmaidtale #irishfairytales #theroguenottaken #neverjudgealadybyhercover #sarahmaclean #amiekaufman #meaganspooner #tbr