I caved and bought this beautiful #knickerbockerclassics edition of P&P when it went on sale for $5
#chooseyourownedition #singletitlecollections #belovedbookshelf #bibliophile #bookcollector #classics #janeausten #whatnewsfromkent
I caved and bought this beautiful #knickerbockerclassics edition of P&P when it went on sale for $5
#chooseyourownedition #singletitlecollections #belovedbookshelf #bibliophile #bookcollector #classics #janeausten #whatnewsfromkent
Because apparently one copy of Nine Rules to Break isn‘t enough, I ordered the UK edition. I feel much safer now.
#singletitlecollections #chooseyourownedition #romantsy #historical #ninerulestobreak #sarahmaclean #onlyeverralston #belovedbookshelf #bookcollector #mylibrary
Foil accents are my favorite. As is anything this woman writes. However had I missed it until now?
#evaibbotson #historicalfiction #wwii #foilaccents #chooseyourownedition #romantsy
I now own two copies of Courtney Milan's Unraveled. I love it that much. When I saw the different edition at The Ripped Bodice, I knew I had to take it home with me.
#belovedbookshelf #romantsy #historical #courtneymilan #theturnerbrothers #youhaveanefficientheart #bookcollector #chooseyourownedition
Finally rounded out my collection of these lovely editions (I already had the matching Lady of the Forest). Jennifer Roberson writes some of my favorite historicals, particularly her Robin Hood duology. I was delighted to find these used copies in such excellent shape.
#bookpost #chooseyourownedition #robinhood #retelling #glencoe #bookcollector
Welcomed December by starting A Christmas Carol with the kids for the first time. Do you have multiple editions of your favorite books? I definitely do. This is my favorite edition, illustrated by the wonderful Trina Schart Hyman. We have many of her storybooks.
#chooseyourownedition #DecemberTBR #seasonsreadings2016 #classics