#LibraryCat #Talullah sitting on tonight's book - about 1/4 way thru and loving it. Fast paced. Well written. Accessible. .@JohnCarreyrou #BadBlood
#LibraryCat #Talullah sitting on tonight's book - about 1/4 way thru and loving it. Fast paced. Well written. Accessible. .@JohnCarreyrou #BadBlood
#Talullah knows not to come between me and the latest #AlexCooper #LindaFairstein !!
#Talullah-Belle loves #books #CatLibrarian I want to finish this but she's adamant that #ItsAllAboutHer #BookCat
#Bonus to my #BookObsession Free #CatToys #BarnesandNoble #ShoppingBags highly prized #Zen space for my #Cats I'll never reject a bag again! #Talullah-Belle #Wylie #Pye
Was trying to decide my next book & #Talullah-Belle seems to have an opinion. #CatsOfLitsy #BookCat
Am trying to finish this tonight but #Talullah-Belle won't budge #CatsOfLitsy