Enjoyed it.
Enjoyed it.
Bought a used book this weekend!
It's done! Apparently knowing a book exists outside copyright and can be fetched at any time for free by accessing Project Gutenberg or YouTube audiobooks means I do not make it a priority to actually finish it. With fairly LARGE caveats: the racist stereotypes of indigenous people tossed around in casual speech (no actual indigenous characters), 1/?
Classic Louis L'Amour. Men were men. Women were as tough as the men. Grit, a dream, and a woman to live for and love. This is a great story. I'm looking forward to the entire series.
Been reading a lot that has taxed my brain. It's time to relax with some good history based fiction. I'm pretty sure I own every L'Amour book. I should probably work on reading them.
I liked the characters, I liked the plot, I didn't like the annoyingly obscure writing. And I kept waiting for Shane to say 'Go ahead. Make my day.' 😂
#ReadingMyTBR #Read2025 @DieAReader
For years, I was nervous to try this one, as Deadwood is maybe my favorite TV series of all time. But having read Paris Trout and realizing what a great writer Pete Dexter is, I figured I was in safe hands (and after all, the book came first). David Milch may claim his series has nothing to do with the novel; I'm not sure I buy it, but there are major differences in the story structure and characters' personalities. Like with the show, 👇
My goodness I loved this book!! So varied and interesting. I‘m so happy I didn‘t stop reading at Lonesome Dove. On to Comanche Moon!!