Moving onto the next #Booked2019 choice on my list for the Related to a Podcast prompt. I love the green argyle printed paper inside the book. I hope this is as good as the podcast! @cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @barbarathebibliophage
Moving onto the next #Booked2019 choice on my list for the Related to a Podcast prompt. I love the green argyle printed paper inside the book. I hope this is as good as the podcast! @cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @barbarathebibliophage
This was a sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes riotously funny, but always educational read for #BlackHistoryMonth. I am thankful that the author ensured the subject's voice was captured by quoting him in his own Nigerian accent and used the language of his tribe when he would sing. Five stars out of five. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I read this one for #Booked2019 Reading Challenge. It was a quick read and as I have not read a romance in quite a few years, was pleasantly surprised that I did not roll my eyes one time and the female lead took no shit from the male lead which happens too often in the romance genre. The witchy part was not over the top and was accurate for the most part. Four out of five stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
I started listening to this one tonight on the way home from work. Mobile Bay, the place where the last ship of enslaved Africans docked and were sold in 1860, is 2 hours from where I live. The descendants of the ship's enslaved people gather together every year in remembrance and celebration of their ancestors' lives, love, and grit. #BlackHistoryMonth
These are the books I read in January. Not a bad start to the year!
Starting this one tonight with two accomplices at my feet, Chopper to the left, and Buddy to the right. #DogsOfLitsy
This book made me cry, made me angry, made me say amen, and opened my eyes to things I had not been aware was happening in the U.S. to people of color. The author's candid glimpse into her life will stay with me for quite some time and I recommend this to ALL white people on Litsy. Five out of five stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I listened to this one on audio book and I have to say I was very impressed with the performance. The story was good, Tony got on my last nerve, and the codependent behavior of Chichi made me want to scream sometimes but it was a solid portrayal of the way things were done in prior generations. Four out of five stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
As stated from various reviews from other people, it does begin slowly and only captured my attention 3/4ths of the way through the book but I still want to see what happens in the next installment. This was a good read and kept me guessing about the identity of the killer until the very end. Four out of five stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Starting this one tonight. I heard the the first one is slow but that they get better with the next two books so I have my expectations set pretty low with this first one as not to be disappointed. #Mystery #JKRowlingPenName
This book was captivating and exciting. Adventure on the high seas, royal intrigue, mysterious magicians, the search for treasure, curses, and romance! This book has something for everyone. 5 out of 5 stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
My Snooty Girl is basking in the sunshine coming through the window while the temperature slowly drops outside from an incoming cold front. Is your temps dropping too? What do you have lined up to read while we're all bundled up and cozy inside for the next few days? #WinterReading #SnootyTheFlamePointSiamese
Along with breathtakingly beautiful and intimate photos of Prince, we get stories of the inner workings of Prince's daily life and how he created his art. Any Prince fan would love this look behind the scenes into his life.
I feel like I need to have a much more stylish outfit on while reading this than my coral and black polka-dotted PJs and fuzzy striped socks. He had a sense of fashion and what worked along with his genius talent, creativity, and razor-sharp wit to which no other person can compare. #Prince #ThePurpleOne
I didn't want this novel to end and am so glad to know that there are more books featuring this independent and intelligent character to read after this one. The author had me guessing who-dun-it until the very end of the story. Flavia is always 10 steps ahead of me and the Inspector and that's just the way I like it. Five out of five stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Lunch! The more I read, the more I love Flavia! This also happens to be my first read for the #Booked2019 challenge under the #FemaleDetective prompt. @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
As usual, this author has created an entirely believable alternate universe from her imagination and shared it with us for our entertainment. Never knowing who the enemy may be or what they will look like while traveling makes for a page-turning adventure with a strong, female lead wearing a pair of Colt pistols on her hips. I loved this new, desert locale tale from Charlaine and give it five stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I tried to listen to this one on audiobook and halfway through the first CD, I had to turn it off. Reading the book may be different but this was not funny to me. I am an intersectional feminist and agreed with everything she said so it was just like listening to my own mental rantings in audio form. I'm angry enough at the current events without listening to it while I drive.
A rollicking good time, never a dull moment, laugh out loud funny, following flawed and wonderful characters through situations, souls, Hell, and Heaven... this is the most fun I've ever had while reading a book about an Antichrist! Five out of five stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
My two bed partners tonight as I continue to heal from bronchitis, a sinus infection, and an asthma flare all rolled into one. #KleenexCoolTouchAreTheBomb
Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's imaginations combined together into one creation makes for twists and turns of the plot on EVERY page. Things are happening so quickly, I'm having to go back and read some pages to make sure I'm not missing important stuff! This book is CRAZY and SO STINKING FUNNY!!
Y'all get it. All of y'all get it. Y'all probably also know the sound of one of your book towers collapsing in the middle of the night and your dog going into conniption fits because he thinks somebody is trying to bust up in his house. No? Just me? Okay. Fine.
@BookPage magazine that I pick up from my local library is the adult equivalent of Highlights magazines for children. "I want that one, and that one, and one of those, and that one..." #GetTheSharpie #CircleAllTheThings
And the Lord did not ask him again. HOWLING. THIS BOOK IS LITERALLY MAKING ME HOWL LAUGHING!! 🤣🤣🤣
Out of all of the Gaiman I have read and loved, I have not gotten around to reading this one yet. If it is half as good as the reviews and his other creations, I know I will love it. Have y'all read this one yet? I'm reading the first page of the first chapter right this instant.
This addition to the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series was a THICK ONE. I skipped ahead during a lot of the conversations because she drag an argument out for literally a chapter. Some of the supporting characters are finally coming into their own power and a lot of them are in therapy so the attitudes are not as petty as they used to be. The plot is still interesting after all these books. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Are you signed up for the #Booked2019 challenge? If not, click on the hashtag and find @cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage or @4thhouseontheleft 's post with the Google Doc link. Each prompt you participate in gets you entered for a quarterly drawing!
This book taught me more about the moon and using the moon phases to manifest what I want than any book I have found so far. She also has periodic, free webcasts to help you ground and center to see what spirit is leading you to bring into your life. This is a great book for anyone who would like to learn how to use the power of nature to improve themselves.
Unfortunately this one wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I was on the 6th track of the audio book when I bailed. It's a perfectly well written book but it was giving me "glorification of the Old South" vibes and I could not handle it any more. I was expecting more of a blistering exposé on the conviction of another innocent person of color in the Jim Crow era. It didn't deliver that.
Almost finished with this addition to the Alpha and Omega series and as usual, Patricia has kept my attention through the whole book. The action has not even came close to and end yet so I'm thinking the finish of this one will be a cliffhanger. WHY YOU DOING THIS TO US, PATRICIA??😂😂😂❤❤❤
Unfortunately for me, the style this book was written in did not appeal. Autobiography in short story form makes me wish she'd finish a story before she goes on to another one. I only made it a short way into the book before I got thoroughly irritated at the number of endings I'd already read with no resolution. It was not for me. ⭐
I went to the bookstore and put back 4 of the 7 books I had in ny hands. I deserve some sort of award for self-control. #Bibliophile #Witches #Norse #Skinwalker #Mythology #PatriciaBriggs #NeilGaiman
Next up on the To Read List, this one! I'm starting it today and am excited.
This is a great resource for people who are beginning their journey into witchcraft and for those who are seasoned practitioners. It contains information about the importance of colors in candles and clothing for spellcasting, incense, herbs, days of the week, moon phases, and crystals. Fully 50% of the book is dedicated to spells that have worked for the author in manifesting and attracting what she wanted into her life. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Started this one yesterday as this is the July Book of the Month from the #DwellInMagic Facebook page. I am learning all sorts of things about the moon, and the correct timing for spells and rituals. This is very interesting. #MoonRituals #WitchyReads
This book is wonderful eye-opening, feminist, moving, educational, challenging, and a call to be all you can be because the world needs you now. Some have called her view of witch power bigoted for people who do not have wombs; she plainly explains she means the sacral and root chakras. People who are benefiting from patriarchy will call this an "angry feminist" book because they don't understand that we are DONE with the old system. ?????
Part of my To Read or Re-Read shelf I just put together for my upcoming recovery time after surgery.
The Charge of the Goddess.
Asleep against the table leg, he still sleeps in whatever position he happens to land when he drops. I forget that he's only 9 months old because he weighs a solid 15 pounds. #MassiveOllieCat
"Most Pagans are avid readers...But as readers, they are an elite, since readers constitute less than twenty percent of the population in the United States."
"Socially understood, polytheism is eternally in unsolvable conflict with social monotheism, which in its worst form is fascism and in its less destructive forms is imperialism, capitalism, feudalism, and monarchy..."
Started this one tonight courtesy of a heart sister of mine sending it to me through the mail. Book mail is the best mail there is.
I don't have to put the hair up anymore because I chopped it all off but the rest is true.
After 20 years of wanting one, I have finally decided what my first tattoo will be. Either the whole first verse of this poem from Dr. Angelou or just a line like the one above. This poem has served to remind me through all of my struggles, no matter what they were, I have always made it through. Do y'all have literary tattoos you'd like to share the story behind? If so, tag me on your post and use the hash tag #LitTat. Image: Google Images.