My #bookspin #doublespin and #triplespin
I m happy that OUTLIERS came up. Hopefully this will inspire me to read more of non fictions. 😊
My #bookspin #doublespin and #triplespin
I m happy that OUTLIERS came up. Hopefully this will inspire me to read more of non fictions. 😊
New adeventure. #aprilread #currentread #becoming #michelleobama #readingchallenge
Actually read it in April😂 But however I love the whole ACOTAR series. I think there‘s no more need to say...
#acourtofwingsandruin #sarahjmaas #czechedition #aprilread #fantasy #ya #romance
One of the best biographies I‘ve read so far! So id you want to know something more about this interesting person, I recommend to read it!
#stevejobs #walterisaacson #czechedition #aprilread #nonfiction #biography
It was perfect! I think this is a must read for the fantasy fans and people who want to read some great YA fantasy👍🏻
#thebeautyofdarkness #maryepearson #czechedition #aprilread #fantasy #ya #romance
A trip away for work has meant that I managed to finish this off yesterday. An unequal friendship, a unrequited love, a meth lab and a gay character at the centre of it‘s story. Although it took me a hot moment to get into this was very well written and gripping. Would recommend to anyone who is a fan of dark drama ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #cottonmouths #aprilread #darkdrama
The rest of my fairyloot haul from the last year! I‘m so behind on reading these the only one I have read is the one tagged above......I think from this pile The Hazelwood needs to be next because of all the buzz I‘ve been hearing! And also because fairyloot provided the perfect scented candle to go with it- to really immerse me into the world! #fairyloot #TBR #Aprilread
Super cute book about the joy of going to the library and the adventures one can find there. And beautiful illustrations! 4/5 #picturebook #Aprilread #childrensbook
OMG , This was... AMAZING! I can't even breath and doing nothing else than thinking about this story. I totally fell in love with Rhysand and new places in a book. I don't know how I can wait for the third book, absolutely loving it! It's sooo much better than the first book (and I thought nothing else can be so damn good🔥)
#acourtofmistandfury #sarahjmaas #aprilread #czechedition #ya #favorite #romance #fantasy
5 stars! Sarah J. Maas is a master! I love her books and I just cannot wait to read Crown of Midnight🔥🔥
If I would choose between ACOTAR and TOG, my choice is ACOTAR absolutely, because I just fell in live with it.
Yes and are you team Dorian or Chaol? Write me down below !
#throneofglass #sarahjmaas #fantasy #magic #aprilread #ya #czechedition #review