@Jilly6183 I just got your second package. Thank you so much for everything. I love all of it! The bookmark is amazing! 😍 you have been so generous! Thank you for hosting #bbsredacted It‘s been so much fun swapping books with you ☺️
@Jilly6183 I just got your second package. Thank you so much for everything. I love all of it! The bookmark is amazing! 😍 you have been so generous! Thank you for hosting #bbsredacted It‘s been so much fun swapping books with you ☺️
Enjoying a delicious beer this evening! @PerksOfBeingABookworm tell Sarah I love it - great recommendation. Thank you! And if you're a sports fan, sorry about the pint glass, it was my only clean option! #BBSredacted #modernbrewery #citrapolis
Thank you, thank you @phatsallylee ! I love it all so much! Sorry I wasn't home yesterday to open it, but what a great way to start my morning!! I'm excited to dive in to these along with some recommended beverages from the east coast! #BBSRedacted @Jilly6183
@Fan_of_70 thank you for all my goodies. I needed this after the week I have had. This will be the next one I start! #bbsredacted
Happy Friday to me! Excited to try these MO recommendations! #BBSredacted #fancyrootbeer
@inthegreensandblues Thank you so much! I love everything, but there are definitely some stand outs. 😊 That snack mix?? I am officially addicted. And the Tony‘s chocolate bar- I have always wanted to try one of those and now I can. Chocolate that was part of a swap has no calories! Finally- that sloth card—AWESOME. I can‘t wait to sit back with these books and one of your beverage recommendations. 😁
@Jilly6183 #BBSredacted
Just got home and finally got to open my #BBSRedacted box. Thank you so much @mcipher for the fantastic books! I am so excited to dive into them! I now have an evening plan of a face mask and one of your lovely drink recommendations.
I just got home and opened the most wonderful package from @AmberWB Thank you so much, Amber! This is really an above and beyond, lovely gift. 🤯😊 I love all the Maryland things, especially. The books, snacks, and beverages! all are just perfect. 🤩 And what a great magnet. Cheers to you! 🍻
#bbsredacted opening day!! Check out all the awesome stuff that I got from the awesome @Kwrightson1986 ! This is such an awesome box! Thanks so much! I love everything!