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Just realized I shared my top reads of 2022 everywhere BUT here. 😂 My goal was 150; I read 160. In previous years, I‘d broken 200 but I‘m trying to make space for other hobbies, too (podcasts, shows … you know, book adjacent things)! Of my 160, 75 were nonfiction. About half which is pretty on par for me.

#top22of22 (actually top 17) #bestof2022 #2022wrapup #2022

Cinfhen Thanks for tagging and sharing❣️❣️❣️Love the variety across genres🙌🏻📚💟 2y
Megabooks Great choices! 2y
britt_brooke @Megabooks Thanks, Meg! 2y
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The Long Game | Rachel Reid
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Presenting all my new-to-me 5-star reads of 2022! (I never count rereads on Best Of lists, or Tamsyn Muir‘s GIDEON THE NINTH would be here too. I loved that book SO MUCH MORE the second time through.)

While I‘m incoherent with love for each of these, I‘ve got a clear tie for first place: the tagged book and THE DEVIL COMES COURTING by Courtney Milan. They both blew me away and keep popping back into my head weeks and months later. #bestof2022

CarolynM The Long Game was SO good! 2y
xicanti @CarolynM it‘s been eight months and I still can‘t stop thinking about it. 2y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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Happy New Year, Littens! I love best of the year lists, so I thought I‘d share mine. It was really really hard to narrow it down to these. (They are in the order I read them.)

#top10 #bestof2022

JenReadsAlot I loved I Must Betray You. 2y
Chelsea.Poole To Paradise and Sea of Tranquillity made my best of the year as well! Nice list! 😊 2y
BkClubCare 👏👏👏 2y
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Ruthiella Happy New Year! 🍾🥂🥳 2y
Reggie Happy New Year! 2y
BarbaraBB Another year went by. I hope you are doing well ❤️ 8mo
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Cytonic | Brandon Sanderson
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I started the year at a good rip, met my Goodreads goal, then hit a brick wall in my brain… I still managed to have some favorites. 🤩🤩

Here are my top 12 picks (favorite reads) for 2022. I‘ve noted which ones I ear-read, rather than eye-read. I know in at least 1 instance, it made a difference (Paris!). And yes, a romance novel made the list!

What‘re yours?

Reggie Space Unicorn Blues!!! Loved that book! 2y
Avanders @Reggie right?! It totally took me by surprise 😁 A coworker gave me the 2nd for Christmas this year… 2y
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Vengeful | V.E. Schwab
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This has now become my favourite Schwab series.
#12booksof2022 #12daysofchristmas #march2022 #bestof2022 @Andrew65

Andrew65 An author I am yet to get to. 2y
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Penpal | Dathan Auerbach
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This book was amazingly told and written. It is in our top 5 books of 2022. And the ending is devastating and made me cry. 20/10 would recommend. A quick read and a page turner, twists in every chapter.

#horror #bestof2022

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Sure it‘s a little schmaltzy but it‘s also HUGELY entertaining! 4 boys, one classic car and a #roadtrip of a lifetime. Fantastic audio narration and a memorable coming of age story. Definitely got A Gentleman in Moscow vibes but this novel is its own story. #AllTheFeels #Bestof2022

Crazeedi Cindy this is one of my top books this year, I just loved it. Towles is a go to author for me 2y
Cinfhen For sure @Crazeedi !!! I loved EVERY character!!! Such a memorable book!!! 2y
Megabooks Did you read this on audio? 2y
Cinfhen I did a combo but mostly audio @Megabooks - it worked well in both mediums 📚💚🎧 2y
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Returning to this fantastic audio!!! Took a little break because I felt I needed to give the story more of my uninterrupted time. I‘m sure this will make my #Top22of22 and maybe even #BestOf2022 😁❣️

BarbaraBB Wow that sounds promising 2y
Cinfhen It‘s schmaltzy @BarbaraBB but I‘m LOVING it!!! 2y
BarbaraBB I have to Google schmaltzy! Sounds so Yiddish 🤍 2y
Cinfhen I should Google it too @BarbaraBB I‘m curious to see how Google defines schmaltzy 🤓🤭😂😘What time is your flight??? (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB Tomorrow morning at 8 🤞🏽 2y
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These are my top picks of the year so far! #bestof2022 in progress!

The Change: A Novel | Kirsten Miller
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Sometimes the right book comes along at the right time. This was that Book. Totally got this #botm extra for Tagline of It‘s Not Over - It's Time.

I'd been hot flashing and seeing women's rights becoming nonexistent in my state. So yeah give me a fantasy in which The Change gives you Witchy Powers to solve crimes and exact revenge on the Patriarchy.


"Witch is the label society slaps on women it can‘t understand or control

Crinoline_Laphroaig Other favorite quote: “Fucking witch. You say that as if it‘s an insult,” Harriett replied. 🧙🏻‍♀️ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo 💜💐 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you! My favorite Farmer Stand has flowers now. 2y
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