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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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The massive, multilayered city of Neopolis, built shortly after World War II, was designed as a home for the expanding population of science-heroes, heroines and villains that had ballooned into existence in the previous decade. In 1985 the city accepted jurisdiction by a police force covering many alternate Earths, headquartered on the world known as Grand Central. Our own outpost of this network, Precinct Ten (known affectionately as Top 10), recruits its members from Neopolis and its environs, working much like Earth's other police precincts, with one major exception: Like the citizens of the city, the officers of Top 10 have the abilities needed to deal with Neopolis's exotic denizens. Rookie cop Robyn Slinger, alter ego "Toybox," hits the streets for the first time along with a colorful crew of fellow officers, each having the required training to deal with science-villains and super-crimes, as well as the common misdemeanors of city life. You'll never look at powers, or police work, the same way again! From Alan Moore, the writer of WATCHMEN and V FOR VENDETTA, and artists Gene Ha (JUSTICE LEAGUE) and Zander Cannon (Transformers), the Eisner award-winning series TOP 10 is collected here in its entirety!
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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Happy New Year, Littens! I love best of the year lists, so I thought I‘d share mine. It was really really hard to narrow it down to these. (They are in the order I read them.)

#top10 #bestof2022

JenReadsAlot I loved I Must Betray You. 2y
Chelsea.Poole To Paradise and Sea of Tranquillity made my best of the year as well! Nice list! 😊 2y
BkClubCare 👏👏👏 2y
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Ruthiella Happy New Year! 🍾🥂🥳 2y
Reggie Happy New Year! 2y
BarbaraBB Another year went by. I hope you are doing well ❤️ 8mo
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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And these are my top 10 favorite books I read in 2021 (in alphabetical order by title)!

BarbaraBB I loved Wolves too and am looking forward to the John Green. 3y
thebluestocking @BarbaraBB I really really loved the John Green. The related podcast is great too. 💙 3y
BarbaraBB There‘s a podcast? That is good to know, I‘ll check it out! 3y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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These are the #top10 books I read in 2020 in the order I read them. I loved these all for different reasons, from story and writing to how they changed my life.

Honorable mentions include The Vanishing Half, Save Me the Plums, The Illness Lesson, A Mercy, Weather, Make Time, Summer, and Your House Will Pay.

BarbaraBB Great selection. Eclectic! Are you reading the ToB shortlisted books? Happy new year 🎈 🤍 4y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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Here are the #top10 books I read in 2019 in the order I read them. If forced to choose, I would put Lost Children Archive and Becoming in the top spots for fiction and nonfiction.

The books that round out my #19for2019 are Normal People, Conversations with Friends, Fleishman is in Trouble, Red White & Royal Blue, City of Girls, Cozy Minimalist Home, My Sister the Serial Killer, On Earth We‘re Briefly Gorgeous, and The Reckless Oath We Made.

bookandcat Great list! My #botm pick this month apparently seems to be in the same vein as Sally Rooney books so I'm so excited to check it out! CwF made my top 20 but NP was up there (in my top 50 that I had to narrow down)! 5y
thebluestocking @bookandcat It‘s so tough to choose favorite books of the year, but I guess that‘s a good kind of problem! And I picked Topics of Conversation as my #BotM too. We‘ll have to compare notes. 💙 5y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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I finally decided my top ten books of the year! It was honestly super difficult since I loved so many things this year, but overall I think I ended up with a pretty good list (with some honorable mentions). Were any of these on your top reads list too? I‘m curious to see if the things I loved were things that everyone else loved. https://amysbookreviews.com/2019/12/28/my-top-10-books-of-2019/

Top 10 | Alan Moore
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#TeamStoker let's have a conversation, take a look at the list in the link I posted below. Do you agree with this list? What books would you add or subtract? Why?

🌟 1pt per comment 🌟



coffeewithbooks I think I just remove ‘IT‘ 😬🤡. #teamstoker 5y
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jessinikkip Pretty good list, but I would replace The Stand with Pet Semetery 5y
CoffeeCatsBooks I don‘t really think of WWZ as horror, great book, but not horror. Also, love Neil Gaiman but won‘t pick Coraline at a top one either. I‘m surprised Frankenstein isn‘t on this. And I‘ve never read The Exorcist but I think a lot of people might put it on the list. 5y
jessinikkip I wasn't surprised to see King dominate the list but I kind of wish they had chosen one of his books and let other authors feature too 5y
BeansPage @CoffeeCatsBooks I was also very surprised that Frankenstein was not on this list. It kind of peeves me a little bit. And I've never read World War Z but it does make me pause that this is on the list. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
CoffeeCatsBooks @jessinikkip I‘d also take the Stand off too. Your suggestion of Pet Cemetery is good or Salem‘s Lot. (edited) 5y
BeansPage @jessinikkip I agree with you 💯% 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I agree, King‘s great, but it‘s a bit King centric. How about Frankenstein, Mary Shelley should not be denied her rightful place. And I always think Carmilla gets left off off these lists too often, even though it predates Dracula. 5y
jb72 Quite a few books on that list I have read. I‘m not sure I would consider Coraline a horror book, but maybe. It is good. Dracula and IT are two of my favorite horror books. SK dominated the list, but he is a horror writer extraordinaire. I might add NOS4A2 as I really enjoyed it and with Kate Mulgrew as narrator it was pretty good. 5y
CoffeeCatsBooks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just heard about Carmilla I want to try and fit that in this month! 5y
ElizaMarie I can‘t speak to some of them, I haven‘t read WWZ or Coraline yet. I was also very surprised about Frankenstein. I am not surprised that a lot of these are Stephen King. Also agree with @jessinikkip with Pet Semetery needing to be on the list . (edited) 5y
Chrys I agree that maybe not so much King, though I do like him. World War Z I have read, I would not consider it horror. 5y
jb72 I‘ve read six out of ten. And I did love Interview with a Vampire too. I‘ll have to go check GR and see what others I might add. I have not read The Stand and I‘ve only partially read The Shining. 5y
Chrys I love Carmilla, though as this is a list of most popular I am not surprised it is not there, just not as well known. I am slightly surprised there is no Lovecraft 5y
BeansPage I hate to sound PC, but I would add a few more women to this list. The likes of such like Ania Ahlborn, VC Andrews, and of course my beloved Mary Shelley who as most of you have stated deserves a right to be on this list. 5y
Melismatic I like this list, it dominated by King as it should be. But personally, I think The Shining is overrated. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CoffeeCatsBooks Definitely...the Exorcist, The Omen, The Haunting of Hill House, The Entity, Rosemary‘s Baby, Psycho...we think of the movies that were made, but they all come from great books and short stories...and are all scarier than The Stand. Sorry, I love The Stand, but I don‘t think of it as a horror book.🤷‍♀️ 5y
BeansPage @Chrys OMG you're right!!! Lovecraft was also completely excluded. I wonder if that's because of his personal political stance that people are reading him less and less these days. Sadness. 5y
PathfinderNicole I‘ve only read one on this list 😬. I am hoping to read Coraline to my son this month though! I generally agree with it but also think there could be less Stephen King. 5y
BeansPage @Melismatic I completely agree with you. I've read The shining and while it is a very good book, I really don't understand the hype behind it. 5y
BeansPage Clive Barker is another one that is missing from this list 😞 5y
CoffeeCatsBooks @thereadingmermaid I forgot about VC Andrews I loved her as a teenager. Also, I don‘t understand how you can put Dracula and not Frankenstein. I understand if they were just going contemporary but they didn‘t. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CoffeeCatsBooks I read it on the app Serial Reader, but it‘s free in the public domain, so Project Gutenberg and Librivox both have it, and it‘s a freebie from audible this month too. I think it gets left out because it is a female vampire seducing a young girl. So horror and taboo, scandalous right? 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CoffeeCatsBooks @TheReadingMermaid when I was a teen it was Clive Barker and Christopher Pike! Oh, the memories. 5y
Jadams89 Though I love Stephen King, that‘s way too many of his works for a list of 10. I would have included It, but drop The Stand. The only thing that scares me about The Stand is that it could kill me if it fell on me. 5y
LauraJ @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Excellent suggestions! 5y
Chrys I know The Lottery is a short story not a novel, but that or something by Shirley Jackson should be there 5y
Kimberlone I feel like at least one of the King books could be dropped to include another classic like Frankenstein. Seems pretty egregious not to include the most iconic monster book of all time 5y
jessinikkip Excellent idea @Chrys with The Lottery. That woukd be a good addition 5y
LauraJ How uninspired. Dan Simmons‘ Summer of Night is pretty remarkable. 5y
BeansPage @Chrys I totally forgot about Shirley Jackson as well. She would have been a great addition to the list 5y
Kimberlone Rosemary‘s Baby should definitely be included also. I didn‘t even really think of World War Z as horror when I read it 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheReadingMermaid I don‘t think it‘s PC at all, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson has been remade a few times and just made into a series...so it seems odd to me that both Jackson and Shelley were left out. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa The Lottery would be an excellent choice too @Chrys (edited) 5y
jb72 @Chrys @TheReadingMermaid I would definitely add Jackson. I liked 5y
Chrys I think the problem is that this list states it is the most Popular by ratings, not necessarily the Best. Littens May be a bit more widely read than most 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Chrys That‘s it! You caught us! 😂 5y
Jadams89 @chrys yeah, I forgot it was the most popular for a second there. 5y
xxjenadanxx This article feels a bit like they needed to post something so they googled the names of horror books and picked the first ones that came up. I'm not really a horror expert but I agree they were a bit heavy handed with Steven King books here. That being said I have never read any of his books. 5y
LauraJ Yes. We need a Top 10 created by horror fans. 💀 5y
xxjenadanxx Oh and I totally disagree with World War Z making the list. I love a good (or terrible) zombie story but that one was just boring to me. 5y
Chrys @LauraJ Agreed, a list by fans who have read more than just King‘s latest 5y
night_shift I don't think I agree with how they did this list. There's more to horror than King. I say, pick one (Pet Semetary would be my choice) and go from there. Wouldn't really consider Interview With a Vampire horror, but then.. I don't see how people think WWZ isn't horror? Zombies are pretty horrific. I haven't read it though. The movie was action-y 🤷‍♀️ 5y
night_shift I definitely agree to more women. Frankenstein is a serious oversight! 5y
BookwormAHN I love King but that felt like a list of his books with a few others thrown. I also feel like The Stand is more dystopian than horror and I'm not sure why Coraline is one the list. 5y
Chrys @UnidragonFrag Honestly the movie World War Z had nothing in common with the book other than the name. And I agree on Interview with the Vampire, not really horror to me either 5y
BookwormAHN I also agree that Pet Sematary and Frankenstein should be on there as well as some Jack Ketchum and Bentley Little. 5y
JacqMac I agree that The Lottery should be there. It takes a lot to scare me, but that scared me deep. Shirley Jackson needs to be on this list! 5y
JacqMac I also think WWZ belongs there. The book is very different from the movie. And much creepier. 5y
night_shift @JacqMac The Lottery was pretty good. Jackson writes small town mentality really well. I'm listening to We've Always Lived in the Castle and it's there as well. I really want to read Haunting of Hill House. 5y
night_shift @Chrys well, that tends to be the case with books to movies lol 5y
night_shift @xxjenadanxx I agree that this list felt very.. unresearched.. like it was due the next day and google was very much involved. 5y
kymmiesreads I have to say that list is pretty impressive! Stephen King has dominated that list! I haven‘t read all the books on there but I agree that those books deserve to be on that list! 5y
LauraJ Or this...if you‘re looking for something more “literary”... https://www.worldswithoutend.com/lists_horror100.asp 5y
BeansPage @LauraJ great lists sweetie!!! Thank you for posting these 😘 5y
Laughterhp I‘m not a big horror person, but I wish they could have listed other books besides Stephen King... 5y
AsYouWish I am impressed that Stephen King had so many on the list! Although I would have liked to see a bit more variety. And I am surprised that they seem to be older books on the list. 5y
BeansPage I have all points cataloged up to this point 🧟‍♀️ 5y
TorieStorieS I have read six of these- but I‘m not sure if I would list any of these in my top ten of spooky reads... but I‘m looking forward to checking out some of the other lists in the comments! Thanks, guys!! 5y
BeansPage 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️ 5y
Melmar I do think there was a lot of King on the list. Which makes me wonder about diversity in the genre. 5y
Godpants Obviously King is good... but it‘s too King heavy. 5y
kymmiesreads I wanted to add that I think Misery shouldn‘t be on that list. To me it‘s more suspense than horror. 5y
BeansPage 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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I read a personal high of 110 books in 2018. It was a great reading year, and, after much deliberation, these 10 were my favorites.

For #18in2018, here are the next 8: The Great Believers, Idaho, The Read-Aloud Family, Zero Waste Home, Florida, The Friend, The Hunger, and The Animators.

Honorable mentions include An American Marriage, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Educated, Us Against You, Bridge of Clay, and Census.

jenni_elyse I‘m so glad Summerlost made your list. It was one of my favorites in 2017. 6y
thebluestocking @jenni_elyse I thought it was amazing. And I have you to thank for it. I got it from you from our book exchange last year! 6y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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I went ahead and wrote out a Top 10 list for the books I read in 2018.
This was really hard, as I had I think 38 5 star reads! Still not sure I have it right!

squirrelbrain I‘m struggling to even get my top 20 right! I have Educated, Eleanor, THUG and Becoming in mine, definitely. (edited) 6y
hes7 I made a Top 18 list the other day, and it was so hard! I, too, am questioning if my choices were right. 😂 Eleanor‘s definitely on it though. 6y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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MinDea Lisa Lutz? What has she written? 7y
KerriNTurner Great choices! 👌🏻 7y
PJPeski Love the Spellman series by Ms. Lutz! 7y
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JoeStalksBeck Ooooh I love this list ! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @MinDea one of hers that was really good was The Passenger 7y
DrexEdit I love the Spellmans too. I own all 6 documents! 😄 7y
Jess7 @MinDea - this is the one I recently read. I loved it. I have heard The Spellman Files are really good too. I own the first one in the series, but haven‘t read it yet. 7y
SilversReviews Kate Morton is a favorite for me too. 7y
Jess7 Besides the Lake House, which is your favorite Kate Morton book? Need to decide which to read next. @SilversReviews (edited) 7y
SilversReviews @Jess7 The Forgotten Garden. 7y
tammysue All incredible authors!!👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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Hmmm @Karkar I had to think about this. These are my current favorites, as in, I will gladly read anything they write!

Karkar I found this hard to narrow down. I see some in yours that I really love too! 7y
Jess7 Kate Morton 💕💕 7y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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Alright, alright, alright I was challenged to give my #10authorrecommendations #top10arthurrecommendations. I picked 10 authors I either read/think about regularly or who are must buys. Most of these authors have shaped my reading habits, as well as my thoughts on the world. Many also connect me with my mom, now deceased, and at least one connects me to my brother. I have other authors but I‘ll start with these.

Andrew65 What a great list of authors, many of mine also relate to or from my deceased mother. 7y
8leagueboot I think this is the list that resonates most with me so far! 7y
DGRachel Ooh, I love Poe and Bradbury! 7y
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catsuit_mango Great list, the closest to mine so far. Makes me think I need to try V. E. Schwab :) 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @Andrew65 I think a lot of what we read or don‘t read is based on what people in our lives read. It makes sense to me that your mom would effect what you read. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @catsuit_mango I like her work, although I haven‘t read everything she‘s written. She was here for a signing when Conjuring of Light came out and she said she wrote different books because that‘s the book that she wanted at that age. That resonated with me. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @DGRachel I had others on my list and I went back and forth but ultimately decided on Poe and Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 has stayed with me as much or more than any other book I‘ve read and it highlights, for me, how much early SF writers got so much right. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @8leagueboot Thanks! I looked at a lot of lists and saw authors I would have added but after some thought I went with this one. 😊 7y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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Thank you, @Sarah83 for tagging me. This was really tough. 😊
P.S. I totally forgot to tag someone. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Hmmmm, @BookBabe - what are your ten favorites? 😊

TrishB Great graphic 👍 7y
nickimags I do like Ian McEwan, although I've already two of his books The Children Act and Nutshell. 7y
Cathythoughts Heaney , Eliot 👍❤️ 7y
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scripturient @Cathythoughts Yes, these two are really close to my heart. I love teaching Eliot because his poetry has so many levels of meaning. And Heaney was such a great writer and an amazingly nice man. I met him in Scotland once and he was like ‚Hold on, dear, I need a sip of my Kilkenny first. That reading was loooong‘. So down to earth. 😂 7y
SilversReviews Adorable photo. I wish I knew how to get the cute background and put the words on it. :) 7y
BookBabe Thanks for tagging me! I'll think on it and post soon! 😁🙌🏻 7y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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This was harder than I expected and I didn't even get to Cormac McCarthy, Ernest Hemingway, Agatha Christie, or Charlotte Bronte! 😭 Thanks for the tag @Andrew65 I tried to balance m/f authors with a mix of contemporary and classic authors.

#10authorrecommendations #top10authorrecommendations

Andrew65 And I didn't even get to put Daniel Silva or John Sandford down. Thought Pierce Brown might figure for you. 7y
DGRachel @andrew65 Gah! And I forgot Conn Iggulden, Penny Reid, James Reston Jr, Tessa Dare, Christopher Fowler, and Laurie R. King. Ten was definitely not enough! As I sit here in my Howlers shirt, I see it's pointless to deny that I'm a "little" obsessed with Red Rising. 7y
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robinb @DGRachel oh man, I forgot Dare....looove her!!! 7y
Maike I love that Pierce Brown is your number one. 😍 great to see another #howler 7y
SilversReviews So pretty. Love the background. 7y
readinginthedark ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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@Andrew65 thanks for tagging me.


It was a hard decision and even some aren't alive anymore, but here are my top ten.

Maybe these Littens also want to choose:

@scripturient @DeborahSmall @Bambolina_81 @Maike @DuckOfDoom @julesG @jpmcwisemorgan @vivastory @Izai.Amorim

Andrew65 I almost put Arthur Conan Doyle on my list! (edited) 7y
DuckOfDoom Thanks for tagging. I will have to think about it a bit. Very difficult question 7y
Sarah83 @Andrew65 I saw it. 😉 7y
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Sarah83 @DuckOfDoom I am curious, who you will choose. 🤗 7y
smilingshelves Yay for Jasper Fforde! 7y
julesG Thanks for the tag. Will have to think carefully. 7y
Maike Oh that‘s hard. I‘ll need to put my thinking cap on. 😄🤔 7y
Sarah83 @julesG @Maike I will have a look, what you will post 🤗 7y
Bambolina_81 Oooh I'll have to give this some thought! I love seeing what others think! What's your favourite Conan Doyle? 7y
Sarah83 @Bambolina_81 it's pretty hard to decide. I like the red headed league and the hound of Baskerville. 7y
DeborahSmall So difficult! 7y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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rubyslippersreads I ❤️ Maeve Binchy! You know who else does? Tom Hanks! 7y
cobwebmoth I'll have to give this some thought.🤔 7y
Andrew65 @rubyslippersreads I ❤️ Tom Hanks! Ever since Big! 7y
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Andrew65 @cobwebmoth Yes I had to too. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan Hmmmm I‘m going to have to think about this because I don‘t know if I have 10! 7y
Andrew65 @jpmcwisemorgan If you've got less than 10 just post those. 😊 7y
merelybookish That's fun! I don't think I've read anyone one your list! 😯 Although I did see a movie based on a Maeve Binchy novel. ☺️ 7y
Bluebird Great list! I'll post mine shortly--once I figure out how to choose just ten! I suspect we'll have a few in common. (Follett, Goddard). I'm still to read Penman and Erskine (bad me!!) 7y
Andrew65 @merelybookish I would certainly recommend her books! 7y
Andrew65 @Bluebird That's the problem, limiting it to 10! You must read Barbara Erskine and Sharon Penman. 7y
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Top 10 | Alan Moore
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This was hard, but thanks for the tag @BarbaraBB - like everybody else, my picks probably change weekly, but these are the authors I recommend the most to my fellow littens.

I always love learning about new authors, so if you have any must reads authors please let me know! 👍

emilyhaldi I have Sarah Moss on my list already thanks to you!! Now I just need to read one 😊 7y
BarbaraBB I need to read more Sarah Moss! 7y
vivastory What is your favorite Sarah Moss? I'm hoping to read her soon 7y
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Kalalalatja @vivastory I have only read two of her books, so based on those two, my favourite is The Tidal Zone. Night Waking is one of her earlier works, but certainly worth a read, and should be read before Bodies of Light and Signs for Lost Children, since these are sort of connected, from what I have read. 7y
Kalalalatja @emilyhaldi @BarbaraBB I just love her very honest and real descriptions of family life. She deals with hard emotions but in a quiet and gentle way 👌 7y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja That sounds like a style I like. I read Cold Earth, that I didn‘t especially enjoy, but I have heard so many good things about The Tidal Zone, I‘ll go looking for a copy! 7y
BarbaraBB Well, that was easy. BookDepository has a cheap edition so I couldn‘t resist... 😉 7y
Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB ha! I love when that happens 😉 7y
vivastory @BarbaraBB I also just bought a cheap edition. 😂 Thanks for the recommendation @Kalalalatja ! 7y
BarbaraBB And of course I found another Litsy recommendation there in my basket that I could resist the last time, but now I ordered that one as well...! 7y
Kalalalatja @vivastory @BarbaraBB can't wait to see what you both think! 7y
BarbaraBB @vivastory Haha! On BookDepository as well? 7y
vivastory @BarbaraBB Amazon. Have you had good experiences with Book Depository? 7y
BarbaraBB @vivastory I used to buy at Amazon but have completely switched to BookDepository. They deliver for free worldwide. And the prices are sharp. For me they are much cheaper than Amazon where I always have to pay for shipping. The only thing is that delivery can take a while but I can handle that 😉! 7y
vivastory @BarbaraBB I definitely feel conflicted using Amazon. I've been trying to support my local independent store more often. 7y
BarbaraBB @vivastory I know what you mean. I am Dutch and buy all my Dutch books in the local bookstore. Some English as well but they don‘t always have in store what I am looking for. Then I allow myself to shop online... 7y
BarbaraBB Sorry @Kalalalatja for using your post for a complete different subject...😀 7y
Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB @vivastory I don't mind - I get the dilemma of buying local vs. Buying online. Danish bookstores don't have very large English selections, so I'm using online stores more often than I would like. But I just don't feel like I have other options. 🤷‍♀️ 7y
Moray_Reads @BarbaraBB I've read most of her books and Cold Earth was by far the weakest. Still excellent writing but not really up to her own high standards! 7y
BarbaraBB @Moray_Reads That‘s good to know! I will give her another chance 😀😉 7y
Moray_Reads @vivastory Tidal Zone is my favourite but I also loved Night Waking and Bodies of Light. Like @Kalalalatja says, there's some overlap between the two but I read Bodies of Light first and it worked well that way round too. Signs for Lost Children is still TBR 7y
vivastory @Moray_Reads I recall you praising her before, I'm going to jump straight into "Night Waking" as soon as I receive it. 7y
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