#Bitmojimondays alarm set for 5am shower and off to my husbands doctors then visiting with the relatives and swimming now we‘re home and sleepy (won‘t fit in this 🙄) and I‘m going to bed early so I can read my way to another adventure 😋📖
#Bitmojimondays alarm set for 5am shower and off to my husbands doctors then visiting with the relatives and swimming now we‘re home and sleepy (won‘t fit in this 🙄) and I‘m going to bed early so I can read my way to another adventure 😋📖
#bitmojiMondays @hermyknee
Today is rooooough. I teach social and vocational skills in groups on Mondays and Wednesdays and we are down to 2 staff from...8 or so. So it's me doing all of the talking across the groups and the higher ups keep announcing changes which make things tougher for our groups. Also, nobody in groups is listening today so I keep having to repeat myself. 😵 I also woke up today from a sad dream - tough Monday, lol!
I‘ve been running since I got up this morning 😋Doctors appointments and errands (healthy healthy) had time to sit and eat then a few more errands before the best news ever going to visits a new book store 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 looking at all those books before... yes doing some homework... and then driving back home to eat and now I‘m so tired and sleepy 😴 night all hope everyone had a great Monday #bitmojimondays
Okay so my life is not perfect but I can handle that I can‘t really complain though because I know others have it far worse. My current struggle is this culture course I‘m in. I don‘t know why I‘m so blocked about it. It‘s not hard you just read the material and do the papers or answer the questions. But for whatever reason I feel stuck 😕 #bitmojimondays
I wanted to participate!!! I love bitmoji, first I ended up going to a Dr appointment where they found that they lost my birth control implant in my arm Yay! They said they will fix it tomorrow but sheesh! Then I got home paid all the bills & took a nap! Today is also the first day of Summer term so I‘m now going online to check my assignments and hopefully 🤞🏻 I get some reading time before bed! Yay for #bitmojimondays feel free to play!