“That's the dilemma, isn't it? When you're single, there's the sadness and joy of "only me." And when you're paired, there's the sadness and joy of "only you.”
#QuotsyNov20 #dilemma #davidlevithan
Oh, David Levithan, your words are magic.
#middlegrade #davidlevithan
“That's the dilemma, isn't it? When you're single, there's the sadness and joy of "only me." And when you're paired, there's the sadness and joy of "only you.”
#QuotsyNov20 #dilemma #davidlevithan
I listened audiobook You Know Me Well. Is a young adult novel about friendship and finding yourself. The whole story was likeable but I expected something more. Narrators did a great job, they both have lovely voice. And I also like both POVs. But still something I missed.
#youknowmewell #davidlevithan #ninalacour #audiobook #coffeemug #bookreview #litsyfun
#AboutAugust Day 7: Iphigene tackled #adolescence in YA lit, for tagged book, she says: “Levithan calls this a collection of stories about love, not love stories. The stories explore an array of relationships and what the protagonists take from it. It isn‘t cliché, it is real. Each character discovers that maybe there is more about the term ‘us‘ than mere romantic connotations.” Full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-6d9
Happy Valentines Day! Perfect time to read this book!! Ignore the awkward reflection of me taking this pic 😂✌🏻
#currentlyreading “Boy Meets Boy” by David Levithan 💞
#boymeetsboy #davidlevithan #vday #love #lgbtq #yalit
My bedside table 📚 What bookish treasures are on yours?
Books: The Lover‘s Dictionary (so good), Daily Meditations (not just for those going through the changes in the title), Ellie and the Harpmaker, The Quotable Book Lover and The Hobo Handbook 📚 #booksbrewsandbooze #theloversdictionary #davidlevithan #dailymeditations #ellieandtheharpmaker #thequotablebooklover #thehobohandbook
THIS WAS SUCH A GREAT READ. I seriously love how relateable all the characters were and all their struggles made me clutch my heart and wipe at my eyes so many times!! It's a very simple contemporary read will a lot of heart. Definately one of my top 5!! #boymeetsboy #davidlevithan
"I once told him that the beat way to break up a fight is to step between the two people and start singing ancient folk songs." #boymeetsboy #davidlevithan Omg ???
Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you.
#AprilBookishMadness Purple cover
#willgraysonwillgrayson #johngreen #davidlevithan #purplecover #candle #goodreads #bookworm #litsylove #litsyfun
4.4 stars! I really enjoyed reading this story, it was very christmassy and I‘m happy I could read something related to NY, books and Christmas. It‘s my favorite combination!🎄☃️
#dashandlilysbookofdares #davidlevithan #rachelcohn #decread #givegood #christmas #czechedition #romance #ya #fiction