#currentlyreading 📖
“Gideon The Ninth” by Tamsyn Muir
#gideontheninth #tamsynmuir #fantasy #books #reading #fiction #hardcover #library
#currentlyreading 📖
“Gideon The Ninth” by Tamsyn Muir
#gideontheninth #tamsynmuir #fantasy #books #reading #fiction #hardcover #library
#currentlyreading 📖
“Midnight Sun” by Stephanie Meyer🖤🩸🧛🏻
It‘s truly 2008 all over again #twilightrenaissance
#twilight #midnightsun #stephaniemeyer
#currentlyreading 📖
“Hello Girls” by Brittany Cavallaro & Emily Henry 💜✊🏻😎
#yalit #hellogirls #fiction #contemporary #emilyhenry #brittanycavallaro
#currentlyreading 🤩🐦📖
#TheBalladofSongbirdsandSnakes by #SuzanneCollins 🖤
Arrived in the mail an hour ago! Happy release day! 🥳
#currentlyreading 📚
“How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse” by K. Eason 🪐😘👑👗
#scifi #sff #keason #howrorythornedestroyedthemultiverse
Happy Valentines Day! Perfect time to read this book!! Ignore the awkward reflection of me taking this pic 😂✌🏻
#currentlyreading “Boy Meets Boy” by David Levithan 💞
#boymeetsboy #davidlevithan #vday #love #lgbtq #yalit
#currentlyreading 📚
“A Hero Born” (Legends of the Condor Heroes # 1) by Jin Yong
#jinyong #fiction #aheroborn #chineseliterature #fantasy #legendsofthecondorheroes
“Saga: Vol. 5” by Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples ✊🏻💫🪐💥
#briankvaughan #comic #graphicnovel #saga
“Queen of Kings: The Immortal Story of Cleopatra” by Maria Dahvana Headley
#reading #reads #fiction #cleopatra #queenofkings #mariadahvanaheadley
3rd read of 2020:
“Get A Life, Chloe Brown” by Talia Hibbert 🧡
#books #getalifechloebrown #taliahibbert #currentlyreading #romance
My first #Netgalley ARC of the year!
“Tweet Cute” by Emma Lord 📲🧡🥪🌹
#tweetcute #arc #emmalord #yalit #romance #currentlyreading
🎇First read of 2020!!!🎇
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray 💓🥳🛍
#beautyqueens #currentlyreading #yalit #ya #libbabray
Today‘s B&N book haul!! Paid with my gift card (with some left over!!) 💓
1. Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
2. Angel Mage by Garth Nix
3. We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
#yalit #angelmage #garthnix #fantasy #pachinko #barnesandnoble
#holidayreads #currentreads
“My Favorite Things: A Christmas Collection” by Lynsay Sands 💝🎄😇
#lynsaysands #romance #avon #paperback #christmas
Library book haul!!
1. Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass by Steve Pugh & Mariko Tamaki [[graphic novel]]🧨
2. Mooncakes by Wendy Xu & Suzanne Walker 🧙🏻♀️
3. Dear Sweet Pea by Julie Murphy📖
4. Scars Like Wings by Erin Stewart 🔥
#library #mooncakes #harleyquinn #scarslikewings
Finished this one earlier today. VERY original idea, and the language is pretty neat 🔥📚
#yalit #pet #fiction #akwaekemezi
“Persephone” (graphic novel) by Loic Locatelli-Kournwsky 👿☠️🔥
#graphicnovel #persephone
Currently reading!!!! 😍🖤🔥
#stephenking #theinstitute #newbooks #fiction
Currently reading: Hot Dog Girl by Jennifer Dugan 🌭
#yalit #romance #queer #hotdoggirl
Books # 77-80 that I‘ve read in 2019! 📚
77. “Walking to Aldebaraan” by Adrian Tchaikovsky ⭐️⭐️⭐️
78. “Catching Fire” (THG # 2) by Suzanne Collins ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
79. “Long is the Way” by Carrie Vaughn ⭐️⭐️
80. “Marvel: Powers of A Girl” by Lorraine Cink ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#books #reading #marvel #carrievaughn #catchingfire #thg #scifi #yalit
Currently reading these 2 ARCs, courtesy of NetGalley!! 📚
“Spin the Dawn” (The Blood of Stars # 1) by Elizabeth Lim
“The Queen Con” (The Golden Arrow # 2) by Mehgan Scott Molin
#yalit #ebook #thequeencon #fiction #fantasy #netgalley
Day 30: #e
I‘m a day late (it‘s officially July now, wow!!), but here‘s the last prompt. I‘m excited to get to this Alien Huntress series because it seems equally gritty and sexy 😘
Day 29: #bookandlunch
I rarely ever take pics of food + books, so I decided to throw this edit together instead. Watermelon is my favorite fruit, and it‘s definitely a great representation of summer! ☀️🍉
@howjessreads #yalit
Day 28: #favorite
The Divergent series is definitely a nostalgic favorite of mine. I think I can say that I‘m one of the few readers who thought the ending (of the series itself) was a good (though unbearably sad) one. It was definitely unexpected 😩
@howjessreads 📚
Day 27: #dnf
This book was one I received on NetGalley, and although I did read the whole thing, I came very close to deleting it many times. I sorta rage-read until the end because I was determined to finish. This book genuinely did not make any sense. The author tried too hard to make it complex but only managed to make it hella confusing 😒👎🏻
@howjessreads #stephenkotler
Day 26: #library
These 4 books are from 2 different libraries: the Princeton Public Library and the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library! I own so many books that are still unread, but whenever I go to the library I can‘t stop myself from taking out more!! 🤷🏻♀️🙈
Day 25: #laughter
I‘m constantly behind with this challenge nowdays, but I‘m trying to catch up!! Liane Moriarty‘s books are hella funny; the wittiness and banter among characters is just on another level, and I gave a hearty 5 stars to BLL!! 💖
Day 24: #wildbooks
Wildcard is another Marie Lu book I‘m in love with!! All of Lu‘s series are phenomenal, and the cover of this one is so futuristically cool 😝👊🏻💥
@howjessreads #marielu
Day 23: #n
Nora Roberts!! I‘ve read sooooo many of her books, and the Dark Witch trilogy is my current Roberts‘ pick. I read book 1 last year and have been meaning to continue with book 2 for some time now.
@howjessreads #noraroberts
Day 22: #audiobook
The last audiobook I listened to! 😬 I recently listened to all the Hunger Games audiobooks, and now I want to work my way through the Twilight Saga, then maybe the Divergent series! 🎧
@howjessreads #twilight
Day 21: #newrelease
I‘ve heard a lot about this book in the last week, and when I found out it‘s about a group of drag queen thieves that pull off incredible heists, I knew I had to find a copy ASAP!
@howjessreads #currentlyreading
Day 20: #picturebook
Here‘s a truly beautiful children‘s book called “Thunder Horse” about a young girl and her very own pegasus! I haven‘t read it yet but definitely will, if only for the illustrations!
Day 19: #readingplace
My bed!!! I love being propped up, surrounded by blankets, and wearing comfy pjs! ☺️
@howjessreads #comfy
#30JuneBooks 📖
Day 18: #uglycover
Listen, I‘ve really enjoyed Melina Marchetta‘s books, but this 1992 cover is so distasteful 😂🤢
@howjessreads #books #melinamarchetta
Day 17: #bluebooks
Two of these books will be first time reads (Girl Online and The Girls), and one will be a favorite re-read (TFiOS)! 😋
@howjessreads #thegirls #girlonline #tfios
Day 16: #obsessedwith
1 - this author duo!!!! [Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff] 💖🌟💯
2 - space novels in general! 🌍👽
Day 15: #booksource
I have a few main sources for my book purchases: Thriftbooks (because they‘re so cheap), my public library (to borrow books and also to buy books from their FOR SALE section), and Amazon (for speedy delivery and decent costs). Every once in a while I‘ll buy books from Barnes and Noble, but usually only when I have a gift card - they‘re WAY too expensive nowadays 😞
Day 14: #U
This was the last “U” book I read, and I REALLY enjoyed it!! I‘ve been working my way through CL‘s books, and so far they haven‘t disappointed!! 😜
Day 13: #MadeYouCry
All of these books are favorites of mine, and they all managed to make me cry, if not outright sob! 😩💔
Day 12: #spinepoetry
“The Long Walk,
Somewhere Only We Know.”
I don‘t have a ton of books with me at the moment so I had to make do 🤷🏻♀️😬
@howjessreads #books #maurenegoo #skyward #sff #stephenking
Day 11: #shocking 💔
Augustus. Enough said.
#books #tfios #johngreen
Day 10: #summer
I‘m currently reading “I Love You So Mochi” because it seems absolutely adorable and light, and the Debbie Macomber book is very clearly a summer read 😂💖🌊🏖
#books #iloveyousomochi #debbiemacomber
I can definitely say I‘ve NEVER lost a book, I‘ve always finished the page/chapter I was on before falling asleep, and I haven‘t seen a film that I‘ve liked more than the actual book (not yet, anyway)! ✌🏻📚
Day 9: #prettycovers
All of these books have SUCH gorgeous covers!! “Gemina” has swirling blue + black, “A Wrinkle in Time” has blue, black, and gold lines, and “The Queen of the Tearling” has elegant gold lines on a black background! 💙👑🔥
Day 8: #oldfavorite 🥰
The Maximum Ride series has been one of my favorites for years and years!! I read book 1, “The Angel Experiment,” in middle school, and I speedily read through the following 8 books as they were released! As a teen, I considered Max a beloved heroine 🤩🦅
Day 7: #bookstack 📚
Stephen King is one of my favorite authors, and I own 99% of his books!!!!! 🖤
Day 6: #bookwormproblems (I‘m running behind!!)
Owning numerous editions of the same book or series 🤭✌🏻 I own 5 (!!!!) different editions of The Hunger Games trilogy!!! Right now I only have these two (HC and PB of the original editions) on display because I‘m moving, so the rest are packed away. But I also own an Australian set and a minimalist covers set!!! 😛📚
@howjessreads #thg
Day 5: #greenbooks
I‘m in bed and totally forgot to do this earlier, hence the edit 😂 These are books I‘ve read in the past 1-2 years, and I‘ve gotta say - there really aren‘t that many green book covers. Lots of yellow covers WITH green, and lots of blue-green covers, but very few strictly green! 🤷🏻♀️🤔
@howjessreads #30JuneBooks
Day 4: “J”
#30JuneBooks @howjessreads
Two favorite J books: “The Last Jedi” novelization by Jason Fry & “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte 📚🖤☺️
#starwars #classics
#underrated #30JuneBooks
I have many favorite books, but these are a few I love and consider underrated. Definitely wish more people talked about them! 😭💜📚