Blog! I used to be embarrassed about my story. Read more at the link in bio! #emilymorganwrites
Blog! I used to be embarrassed about my story. Read more at the link in bio! #emilymorganwrites
BLOG! Righteous is not what we are. It is WHO we are! The freedom of living out Christianity. Link in profile. #emilymorganwrites
Blog, link in profile! I cannot be mad at God for not speaking. Not when I‘m the one that has my Bible closed.
I knew that God was speaking to me more, but I thought that it was just because He decided that my drought was over.
Nope. God was there the whole time, waiting for me to listen to Him. He was sitting expectantly. He wasn‘t just sitting there for five years, watching me struggle and cry. He was waiting for me to listen. #emilymorganwrites
BLOG: We can't compromise who we are...and WHOSE we are...just to make other people happy.
This and other principles I've learned in my review of February's books! Check me out on instagram: @ realemilymorgan and @ emdrake1 😊📚
Blog: To the Christ follower who feels far from God (link in profile)
For five years I knew from the church‘s teachings and from my own desperate faith that Jesus was there, that He was listening to me and hearing me. But for some reason, I didn‘t feel like I could hear His voice.
Please read some encouragement to help you through this difficult time.
Link in profile! #emilymorganwrites
Blog: God is using my fifth graders to remind me of some important stuff. I'm so blessed and excited to be a part of it! Link in profile! #emilymorganwrites
Yum! Many of you have been asking me about my Whole30 recipes. I've cooked a bunch of healthy things in the last four weeks, but with only four days, left I've narrowed it down to my four favorite Whole30 recipes. They are even good enough to eat when you're not doing Whole30! Three are outsourced from other blog sites, and one is a recipe I made on my own! Read and enjoy. Link in bio! #emilymorganwrites
Somehow I've made it 20 days with no tacos or french fries or Coke. Is it worth it? Actually, yeah it is. That crazy #Whole30 thing, and some tips for making it through. Link in bio! #emilymorganwrites
A an open letter to those who struggle with autoimmune diseases. Link in profile! #emilymorganwrites