Ryan- you have done it again. I am breathless! Out September 26!
Ryan- you have done it again. I am breathless! Out September 26!
Yay! Proposal story in my blog at the link in bio!
Summer book review is here! Check it out at the link in profile!
Wow--what an audio read! Very thought provoking. 😊
Yep, definitely getting this gem for my own shelves. Great characters and an intriguing plot. WONDERFUL narrator! Perfect book to just disconnect and relax after a long day!
Just being honest--this book is amazing, especially on audio. Okay bye.
When lunch break reading boggles your mind and makes you MORE tired...
My super interesting #boutofbooks challenge book for #notafont is Dog Ear by Jim Johnstone, about the marks we leave behind.
Trying to work but this keeps calling to me. Can I please just read for money??
Sunday mornings. 😍
BLOG: I'm taking on SC State Park's Ultimate Outsider challenge! Read at the link in my bio.
3.5/5. Just finished this one on my lunch break. Many of you have asked what I think, and for right now I've gotta say...I need to take time to talk to Jesus and reflect on what I have learned. There may be a post in the near future, maybe not. But I can say this: God has called us...all of us, not just women...to so much more. I am praying for the Holy Spirit to move and for me to faithfully follow. I wanna be a part of this Plan!
Blog! I used to be embarrassed about my story. Read more at the link in bio! #emilymorganwrites
Book in my hand. My mountains in the distance.
Here we goooooo.
Take a break for that sunshine, Southerners! (Sorry Maine.)
Slower reading month with a slight reader's slump, and focusing more on my daily Bible reading to get that done this year. But here is the round up!
So great!!! A family drama so full of love and perspective. Can't believe I didn't read this sooner! #botm #bookofthemonth #bookofthemonthclub @jadechang
I live in the South and this quote has me like 🙄😂
Hammock lunch break. Beautiful cover.
BLOG! Righteous is not what we are. It is WHO we are! The freedom of living out Christianity. Link in profile. #emilymorganwrites
Blog, link in profile! I cannot be mad at God for not speaking. Not when I‘m the one that has my Bible closed.
I knew that God was speaking to me more, but I thought that it was just because He decided that my drought was over.
Nope. God was there the whole time, waiting for me to listen to Him. He was sitting expectantly. He wasn‘t just sitting there for five years, watching me struggle and cry. He was waiting for me to listen. #emilymorganwrites
Good morning littens! I've taken a couple of weeks off of reading to focus on writing my novel and RETREAT to the mountains of North Carolina for a weekend to reset and focus on my spiritual well being. God is good, amen?! It is important for us to connect with Him by CREATING...check out the link in profile for the first page of my novel 😊
My next audiobook is on hold at the library (I don't have money for an online subscription right now)...so I'm getting creative. Checking things off my #tbr that are in the public domain. Emerson today! Follow me on instagram! @ Emdrake1 or @ realemilymorgan
BLOG: We can't compromise who we are...and WHOSE we are...just to make other people happy.
This and other principles I've learned in my review of February's books! Check me out on instagram: @ realemilymorgan and @ emdrake1 😊📚
Holy. Cow. I'm not a parent yet, nor am I married, and this book makes me scared to be either. In a good way! Megan Abbott perfectly shows the reader what a parent will do to help their child succeed. This audiobook was amazing, the narrator did a wonderful job at making me never want to turn my car off! Highly recommend!
As a modern day abolitionist, I've been volunteering in rescue homes for victims of human trafficking for the last eight years. The girls that this crime affects are real people and faces to me.
A challenge:
-Find a local organization and volunteer throughout the year.
-Don't support trafficking by watching porn. Yes, those girls and women in those pictures and videos are victims.
Challenge yourself. Keep the momentum moving.
❌ #enditmovement
Blog: To the Christ follower who feels far from God (link in profile)
For five years I knew from the church‘s teachings and from my own desperate faith that Jesus was there, that He was listening to me and hearing me. But for some reason, I didn‘t feel like I could hear His voice.
Please read some encouragement to help you through this difficult time.
Link in profile! #emilymorganwrites
Blog: God is using my fifth graders to remind me of some important stuff. I'm so blessed and excited to be a part of it! Link in profile! #emilymorganwrites
I'm dead. This book was riveting, beautiful, moving. A slow and steady start turned into something I just couldn't stop listening to. Just yes. Yes. Yes!
Met Ryan Graudin last night. Fangirled too hard. ❤️📚😂
Started this book on audio because I needed something for my commutes and was so nervous that I should be reading it "in person." So far it is wonderful and tearing me apart...but tell me...should I try to read the physical version? Any opinions??
Yum! Many of you have been asking me about my Whole30 recipes. I've cooked a bunch of healthy things in the last four weeks, but with only four days, left I've narrowed it down to my four favorite Whole30 recipes. They are even good enough to eat when you're not doing Whole30! Three are outsourced from other blog sites, and one is a recipe I made on my own! Read and enjoy. Link in bio! #emilymorganwrites
Tea time ☕️
Overall, I enjoyed this audiobook! It was intriguing. As a Christian, this is not the same dating culture as what I went through and was exposed to. It's fascinating to see the world's different dating cultures. And to compare it to my own church-based romance is so different! I am giving it a 4 only because I don't know if I would read it again. I reserve my five star books I would read over and over 😊
Somehow I've made it 20 days with no tacos or french fries or Coke. Is it worth it? Actually, yeah it is. That crazy #Whole30 thing, and some tips for making it through. Link in bio! #emilymorganwrites
Sadly, my clock count won't make it to 24 hours during this readathon, due to some unforseen circumstances that came up. But does that mean I stop reading? No! Here's a list of a few things (non time related) that I accomplished on #24in48
This audiobook is SO GREAT. Meal prep is done and I didn't lose a second of time! #24in48
Snapshot of #24in48... huddled under my literary quotes throw and two other blankets and STILL not warm enough. ☂️🌧
At first I was wary of this book, and the ending...but the entire. time. I felt JUST like I was back in high school again (a positive and a negative thing). All of those feelings of being bullied and the school bus and the locker room...wow. So realistic! My first finished book of #24in48! Now onto Eyre Affair. 🎉🎉📚❤
My #shelfie #tbr first read of the day! #24in48 #stillsleepy Follow me more closely on instagram @ emdrake1!