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I picked this up on a Kindle sale today (in the US) for $1.99. It looks really good, and I‘m looking forward to digging into it. #correspondence #letters

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In keeping with my string of #weirdwords that English AUGHT to have from last week… While reading this I looked up “Pageant of Birds” to see if it was a common thing in southern churches I wasn‘t familiar with. Turns out it was a one-off fundraiser event in this particular church to raise money for a new piano. But… my search led me down an internet 🐇🕳️ suggesting “Pageant of Pigeons” as a communal noun, which I love!👇🏼

IndoorDame It‘s not actually one of the MANY grammatically accepted communal nouns for our little 🐦 friends, but it‘s totally the one I‘ll be using from now on. 😁 #weirdwordwednesday 6mo
CBee Oh I love that!! And they do strut a bit, so I‘d say they‘re pageant worthy 😊😂 6mo
dabbe 🖤💙🖤 6mo
IndoorDame @dabbe 🩶💜🩶 6mo
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Amazing photographic record of depression era Mississippi. Apparently Welty‘s first job post college was as a photographer for the Works Progress Administration, but unsurprisingly the storyteller took her camera & sort of did her own thing. She may not have been a master photographer, but these images unlock a whole world I realized no one‘s ever really talked to me about, even though my grandmother lived through it just a few states over. #20in4

Bookwormjillk 😻 6mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎄🎄 6mo
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I posted this morning how time figured into this book. Tonight I finished it while on hold for an hour and a half trying to get the results of my Covid test, taken Monday morning. (Spoiler, no one ever answered the phone so I still don‘t know.) I highly recommend the book. I more highly do not recommend getting your test through Mako Medical. Welty‘s prose kept me calm. I‘m thinking I‘ll have recovered before I know - bad cold or mild Covid?

Leftcoastzen I love that book , it‘s a pretty edition. Sorry about your test mess , seems like never goes smoothly 2y
Lcsmcat @Leftcoastzen Thanks. The book is from a library sale I think. And if I have to test again, I‘ll go to the health department. I couldn‘t get in there on Monday and didn‘t want to wait for my results. 🙄 Live and learn! 2y
Suet624 That‘s frustrating. 2y
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vivastory That is crazy... Monday morning?!! Fingers crossed that it's just a cold. Several people I know (including my brother) have caught a bad cold this week. It's scary though bc of thinking it could be covid. I hope you have a restful weekend 2y
Lcsmcat @vivastory Thanks for your concern. I‘m three-shot vaxed, but so are two members of my team at work, both of whom got breakthrough infections after the holidays. I feel bad for anyone who was relying on a negative result in order to return to work. 2y
tpixie @Lcsmcat hope you are doing well ❤️‍🩹 2y
Lcsmcat @tpixie Thanks. I‘m a bit better today. 2y
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Clocks, especially ones that chime, figure in the beginning of this slim volume.

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My #doublespin selection for July 2021 was this fascinating anthology of the lives of ordinary people. There have been some adventures about the dialect in some of these stories. Edited: pictured behind is the state of my library at the moment, due to a huge move with my husband. So, @TheAromaofBooks I am working on my list to participate in #August BINGO. Wish me luck! ☺️🙂📦🚚📚🙏🏻

TheAromaofBooks I know that moving feeling!!! Good luck!! 3y
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This is such a good book! If you love Welty or Maxwell, the publishing process, or just good writing, you should read this book!

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The publisher promised insights into the American South and stories worth reading, since Welty, even though not well-known in Europe, is s very influential writer in America.

Sadly, none of the stories worked for me. I felt bored and sometimes in a bad way confused. If it wasn't for different challenges, I would have DNF this book.

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Book 16 of 20: a memoir of Welty‘s childhood and the evolution of her writing career in early 20th century.

#bookspinbonanza @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks You are killing this challenge!!! 4y
Eggs I‘m grateful you challenged us this month! If I did this 1-2 more times this year, My TBR would be intimidated... 4y
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On Writing | Eudora Welty
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