We are under a blizzard warning: A perfect weekend to stay home and read!
Elin Hilderbrand‘s books really go down easy. I have not read all her books in order but every time, I start out thinking all these people are awful, but she finds a way to make you care about them. (I really wanted to shake the daughter character throughout, though.) I enjoyed this as a fun start to my #AuldLangSpine reading for January.
Starting my first #AuldLangSpine pick from @Jerdencon Seemed like the best way to spend my last vacation day. Happy New Year Litsy friends.
Before this I was unaware of divorce ranches in Reno where women could live for six months in order to file for a divorce. The plot was not predictable, but it didn't have much of a climax and sometimes felt repetitive.
Always the perfect summer read! I enjoyed this Elin Hilderbrand story as one of my “farewell to summer” books as the summer is winding down and the fall will be coming soon. They always make me want to plan a vacation to Nantucket!
16% through & life's too short.
All characters immediately detestable (pretty much). I would say the rich ones are entitled & self centered, which they are but somehow even the other ones are too. What kind of 50-some y.o.s still act like they are in highschool and actually maintain friendships? This confounds me tbh. In reality if I wouldn't give condolences to someone for losing a spouse, I'm not spending a weekend with them. Wth.