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Jessie!! I received the prizes for your #festivebookishbox giveaway today, and I just LOVE everything! The book sleeve is soooo cute! Jackson has already absconded with the donut pen and eaten half of the chocolate... because kids. Adding the book to my 2019 tbr. 😃

Thank you so much for sending all of these wonderful goodies halfway around the world to me! ❤️❤️❤️

erzascarletbookgasm Yay! They arrived finally! Enjoy! 💕 6y
batsy 😍 6y
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Just dropped these items off at the PO today. Jenni, your #festivebookishbox #giveaway #prize is on it‘s way to you. They‘re travelling halfway around the globe, the journey normally takes two to three weeks. ✈️ 🤞they‘ll arrive sooner! 😙

sprainedbrain I‘m so excited!!! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
vkois88 I saw your wrapping paper and thought HP Slytherin instead of Christmas 😂😂 6y
BarbaraBB Dear Jessie, did you receive the book yet? My track & trace says it has been ready for pick-up since November 30. I don‘t know where, maybe your post office? The track & trace number is CC077035788NL (edited) 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @BarbaraBB I have not received the book, Barbara. There‘s no notice from the postman either. 🤷‍♀️ I‘ve been waiting. But now I have the tracking number, I‘ll drop by the PO to enquire. Thanks for the tracking number. Will certainly let you know as soon as I get it. 👍 6y
BarbaraBB Fingers crossed. It worries me that it takes so long. I hope you‘ll find it with the tracking number 🤞😘 6y
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Congratulations | Viola Ruelke Gommer
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🥁 🥁 and the lucky Litten is @sprainedbrain ! Congratulations Jenni! 👏

Big thank you to all who entered my #festivebookishbox giveaway! 😙🤗 I loved reading all your posts, thanks for sharing your literary journey with us. Here‘s to a more amazing, exciting, and satisfying reading journey in 2019. 🥂🎉📚

erzascarletbookgasm Jenni, email me your address! issejchoo at yahoo dot com 6y
sprainedbrain Oh wow! Thank you so much, Jessie! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
rockpools Congratulations @sprainedbrain ! 6y
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sudi Congrats @sprainedbrain 🎉🎉🎉 6y
Landslide Congratulations @sprainedbrain ! 🎉🎁📖 6y
BarbaraBB Congrats @sprainedbrain and thanks for the giveaway Jessie 💕 6y
batsy Yay @sprainedbrain !! 🎉🎉 6y
Marilyncjackson Yay congratulations 🍾🎈 6y
LeahBergen Yayyyy, @sprainedbrain ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
sprainedbrain @RachelO @sudi @Landslide @BarbaraBB @batsy @Marilyncjackson @LeahBergen Thanks to all of you, too! I‘m so excited. I never win anything. 😂 6y
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The Giveaway Box | Michael Dostillio
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I have had the best time reading everyone‘s responses to this #festivebookishbox. I think the biggest thing Litsy has done for me this year is to encourage me to read those books that have been collecting dust. Books I‘ve put off for one reason or another. Last day to enter this great giveaway !!

erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for entering! Your name‘s in the hat 👍❣️🍀 6y
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Slow Start in Paradise | Phyllis Myers
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My reading year started out super slow, but then I got more involved on Litsy (I'd already been on a year) and started actually reading my library books before they were due. Now I've hit my goal for the year. Thanks for the #giveaway @erzascarletbookgasm !!

erzascarletbookgasm Well done for reaching your reading goal! Here‘s to a wonderful reading journey next year! 🥂 Thanks for entering 🤗👍 6y
TheBookDream Reading library books BEFORE they‘re due?! 😱Who does that?! Certainly not me 🙄 Hah, congrats on reaching your goals! 6y
Elma @TheBookDream 😂 Thanks! 6y
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The Giveaway Box | Michael Dostillio
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Thank you to @erzascarletbookgasm for hosting this #festivebookishbox #giveaway!
My reading journey this year started with a goodreads goal to read two books a month, but since I record everything I read including graphic novels, children‘s fiction, poetry, etc. I easily outpaced my goal within the first few months of the year and started adding to it so it would still reflect two books a month for the months left in the year.

IndoorDame I discovered Litsy about 3 months ago, and am loving the community of readers I‘m meeting here. I feel a renewed joy of reading being with all of you. I love all the book recommendations I‘m getting every day now. And I‘ve noticed I‘m reading way more titles off the bestseller list which is allowing me to participate in lots of new of the moment conversations both here and irl, which is really satisfying! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm So happy you‘re enjoying and loving it here. Such a wonderful and bookish community, right? Thanks for entering, 👍💜 6y
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The Giveaway Box | Michael Dostillio
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Thanks @erzascarletbookgasm #FestiveBookishBox

This year has been about finding my way through life again. I lost my mom the day after thanksgiving last year. Reading has been crucial to finding my way. I've dived into fantasy and had adventures with dragons, and then groped for understanding the state of the world these days with political and philosophical works. I'm finally starting to look forward to the start of the new year.

Bklover Much love to you💛. Hope that your heart finds some peace this next year. 6y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie @Bklover Thank you so much. I hope the coming year is good for you. 💚 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘m glad reading has been a comfort and helping you find your way through life again. Here‘s to peace and love (and more reading) in your life next year! Thanks for entering, 👍🧡 6y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie Thank you for your kind words and for hosting a giveaway! 📚 6y
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The Great Believers | Rebecca Makkai
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My reading journey this year has been interesting. I started with a goal of reading 50 books, and I‘m currently up to 81. Litsy and Goodreads and Book of the Month help push me to read more. I have felt overwhelmed with wanting to keep up with new releases so that‘s a balance I want to try to set for next year, at least letting go of the pressure I put on myself. Thanks @erzascarletbookgasm ! #festivebookishbox #giveaway #litsylove

erzascarletbookgasm Congrats for surpassing your reading goal! 👏 Cheers to a greater reading journey next year. Thanks for entering, your name‘s in the hat 👍🧡 6y
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The Giveaway Box | Michael Dostillio
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This is such a nice idea -I‘m loving seeing everyone‘s reading year!

This year my reading got social, thanks in no small part to Litsy. We had the first #UKLitsyMeetUp back in February (feels like light years ago!), I finished a whole readalong 🎉 (just 1 tho!), the folks of #jbuk saw me through a bit of a trying summer, then postal bookclubs (writing in books 😱), & a booking for #litsyreadingretreat. Plan for next year-even more actual reading!

TrishB Great summary 💕 6y
rockpools @TrishB Genuinely had to check whether the meet up happened this year or last 🙃 6y
TrishB I know - seems like ages! 6y
rockpools Oops! I forgot the # #festivebookishbox - sorry @erzascarletbookgasm 🤦🏻‍♀️ 6y
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I credit Litsy for getting me back into reading so much. My last two goodreads challenges have been in the 50 range, but this year I‘m at 130 and will probably add a few more this month. Thank you all 💙

erzascarletbookgasm A case of #blameitonLitsy ! 😆 Thanks for entering, 👍💜 6y
umbrellagirl @erzascarletbookgasm Absolutely! And thank you for hosting. 6y
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