Another incredible year at the Renaissance Faire under our belts ⚔️#huzzah
Renaissance Fair day is always my favorite day #huzzah
Nothing like cutting it fine! #challengecomplete
I will admit that working in a library during the year that is 2020 put me in an almighty mid-year slump, so I'm glad the mojo came back, with some friendly encouragement (and peer pressure) from @thegirlwiththelibrarybag
Bone Crier‘s Moon is a retelling of a French folklore called Les Dames Blanches. I thought overall it was unique in its mythology and magic system. And I was leaning more toward 4 stars until the last 75 pages or so. Then it took a bit of a haphazard crash when it tried to inject too many YA tropes to set up even more melodrama and a quasi-cliffhanger. 3.5 🌟 I‘ll likely read the next one.
And this is my #doublespin for September! #huzzah 🎉