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Independent People | Halldor Laxness
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In the early 1900s, Bjartur lived in a sod house he called Summerhouses, and he owed no debt after 19 years raising sheep and paying off the land. Bjartur valued nothing more than being debt-free (& therefore being an independent man) and his sheep. He begrudged anyone and anything threatening either one, at the expense of his enduring family. His stubbornness cost him family members‘ lives and it seemed the losses didn‘t affect him, until ⬇️

Texreader his daughter Asta Sollilja, his “flower,” re-enters his life. I found Bjartur very frustrating. While sometimes his actions were understandable, most of the time it felt like they cost him and his family so much…keeping them in unimaginable poverty. But what great insight about the country of #Iceland, since it was written somewhat close in time (1934-35) to the fictional story‘s setting. #foodandlit (edited) 2h
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LoveStar: A Novel | Andri Snaer Magnason
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The genre is definitely 'weird sci-fi'.
A dystopian novel where a scientific genius from Iceland changes the world with his breakthrough tech. A lot of original ideas in here but they don't form enough of a coherent story line for me.

I liked the idea of becoming a literal shooting star instead of being buried after death.

Skyr has been eaten in honor of Iceland month :D


Independent People | Halldor Laxness
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“Literature cannot bear dirty hands.”

#Iceland #foodandlit @Catsandbooks

Independent People | Halldor Laxness
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Deblovestoread I need to try this, sounds heavenly. I do so love bread. 7d
Texreader I‘ve got all the ingredients. Just trying to find the time to make it. 😋 7d
TheBookHippie @Texreader it‘s so close to brown bread my grandma made! I‘m thinking Saturday for this♥️🍞♥️. 7d
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curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie this sounds wonderful! Saturday bread baking sounds like a great idea! 7d
TheBookHippie @curiouserandcurioser nothing like the smell of bread baking ♥️🍞. 6d
curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie I agree! Its one of my favorite smells-evokes many precious memories❤ 6d
Catsandbooks Yum! 🇮🇸❤️ 6d
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800 pages of Thorgil Thorgilsson pirating around, forming blood feuds, exchanging giant rings and gilded swords, and "discovering" Canada. Did you know Vikings named it Greenland as a marketing tactic? So more Norsemen would want to move to that desolate place and keep them company.

Loved it

Independent People | Halldor Laxness
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My next audiobook. For #Iceland #foodandlit @Catsandbooks

BarbaraBB This one is very good. 2w
Catsandbooks 🐑🇮🇸 2w
Daisey I enjoyed this one for a previous Iceland prompt! 2w
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Miss Iceland | Audur Ava lafsdttir
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A woman who doesn‘t want to accept what society in Iceland in the 60s wants her to be. A man who doesn‘t want to be different just because he‘s gay.

This book has heavy undertones but it still manages to have a tenderness, that‘s delightful. Read for this month‘s #foodandlit

Blackout Island | Sigrur Hagaln Bjrnsdttir
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After a busy start to the day (farmer's market, lots of cooking, Eid lunch, IT troubleshooting for the elderly, and an hour's work) it's time to relax with a cup of lemon verbena tea, leftover cheesecake & some lovely raspberries . And the tagged book.

TheBookHippie It all looks so lovely!!! 2w
Graywacke Yum! 2w
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Blackout Island | Sigrur Hagaln Bjrnsdttir
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The political situation being what it is in France right now, I find it hard to concentrate on books, but I did finish Epilogue of the Raindrops (although I probably was too distracted to really take it all in) and a small collection of poems by Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir. I am starting Blackout Island.
#FoodandLit #Iceland
@Catsandbooks @Texreader

Catsandbooks Hope you can find some peace ❤️ 2w
Bookwomble Feeling it here in the UK, too. I'm hoping calmer, more peaceful and inclusive politics arise from the current reactionary turbulence 🕊️ 1w
Dilara @Bookwomble Fingers crossed! But the current climate is vicious right now. 1w
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