I have read it nearly half and couldn't complete in digital format
Thus got a physical copy this time
#ReshamMusings #ReshamMuses #ReshamShaktiMusings #IndianReader #IndianBlogger #IndianAuthor #ShaktiTheDivineFeminine #AnujaChandramouli
I have read it nearly half and couldn't complete in digital format
Thus got a physical copy this time
#ReshamMusings #ReshamMuses #ReshamShaktiMusings #IndianReader #IndianBlogger #IndianAuthor #ShaktiTheDivineFeminine #AnujaChandramouli
Words of wisdom from one of best, reiterated by other one of best and from me to those who rants about they have so much going and I have a great happy life, it's just I'm finding happiness in between things happening in life
#ReshamMusings #ReshamMuses #ReshamShaktiMusings #SudhaMurty #theOldManAndHisGod #IndianReader #ReaderJamshedpur #ReaderIndia #quotes #thoughts
A quote from Ruskin's(@ruskinbondofficial ) Book
The Very Best of Ruskin Bond - The Writer from the Hill
I like it very much, it's a positive quote and says to be positive always
Currently reading - The Very Best of Ruskin Bond The Writer from the Hill
#RuskinBond #RuskinBondFan #RuskinBondLove #RuskinBondQuotes #currentlyReading #IndianAuthor #IndianReader #IndianReads #Reading #Reads #amReading #CollectionOfStoryStories
Well I completed this book on 14th July
It was in my TBR list for long and finally read it
If you are a fan of Indian mythological books and thriller books then this combination of both is awesome to go for.It is a engaging book with awesome twist. I don't want to write much as I needs to be savoured
P.S. I sketched that sketch specifically to post about this
#books #IndianReader #IndianReads #IndianAuthors #IndianAuthor #AshwinSanghi
What a engaging mythological fiction thriller.
It's my current reading
Hoping to finish soon
#TheKrishnaKey #CurrentlyReading #AshwinSanghi #IndianReader #InProcessOfBeingAAvidReader
#Qotd : Imagining future is kind of nostalgia - John Green
Putting this quote with further lines
I'm kinda stuck with it
This line has hit hard
Also quite suits daydreamers
#quotes #reading #amReading #books #currentlyReading #LookingForAlaska #JohnGreen #Books #qotd #IndianReader #IndianReaders #JamshedpurReader #AmReadingFiction
#Qotd : Imagining future is kind of nostalgia - John Green
#quotes #reading #amReading #books #currentlyReading #LookingForAlaska #JohnGreen #Books #qotd #IndianReader #IndianReaders #JamshedpurReader #AmReadingFiction
#Qotd : मन। तेरी गति कितनी विचित्र है, कितनी रहस्य से भरी हुई, कितनी दुभेद्य। तू कितनी जल्द रंग बदलता है? इस कला में तू निपुण है। आतिशबाजी की चर्खी को भी रंग बदलते कुछ देरी लगती है, पर तुझे रंग बदलने में उसका लक्षांश समय भी नहीं लगता।
- प्रेमचंद
#MunshiPremchand #Premchand #Nirmala #HindiLiterature #HindiQuotes #IndianAuthors #IndianAuthor #IndianReaders #IndianReader #JamshedpurReader #JamshedpurReaders
A Memoir + Tea + Commonplace book = ❤️
#michelleobama #becoming #love #reading #bookworm #india #indianreader #newbook #newread