How interesting that in Hungarian we actually call it röntgen instead of X-ray. It's like for blood pressure we use the abbreviation RR after Riva-Rocci (easy to confuse with respiratory rate if your brain is half English 😄)
How interesting that in Hungarian we actually call it röntgen instead of X-ray. It's like for blood pressure we use the abbreviation RR after Riva-Rocci (easy to confuse with respiratory rate if your brain is half English 😄)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Read this to round out my Kennedy deep dive. It was, of course, super interesting at times, but insanely long for a book covering a six day period. I slogged through.
Now Available! 🥳🎉📚
The JFK Assassination Conspiracies and Coverups- MJ Trow
Book Review- https://www.boleybooks.com//the-jfk-assassination-conspiracies-and-coverups/
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