#SoaringScores #EntryIntoTheGreatHall #HarryPotter #JohnWilliams
This song has all the pomp and circumstance of a celebration fanfare! An magical scene from the first HP movie!
#SoaringScores #EntryIntoTheGreatHall #HarryPotter #JohnWilliams
This song has all the pomp and circumstance of a celebration fanfare! An magical scene from the first HP movie!
#SoaringScores #Superfeats #Superman #JohnWilliams
Jean Valjean performs a superfeat when lifting a broken carriage that had fallen on a man.
Superman can do anything! And because of him we hold our arms out and fly!
Day 22 - #Superfeats #Superman #JohnWilliams #SoaringScores
Listen here: https://youtu.be/ZvHtoMFYfQk
#SoaringScores #JourneyToTheIsland #JurassicPark #JohnWilliams
What if dinosaurs 🦖 still roamed the Earth?! We‘d be part of the food chain 😬
I find myself humming this song a lot, so epic!
#SoaringScores #TheRaidersMarch #IndianaJones #JohnWilliams
A poster by local #MittenLitten Matt Busch denoting all the artifacts Indi found and where he got them!
Love the films, Harrison Ford 😍, and the March is so peppy!
Day 6 - #TheRaidersMarch #JohnWilliams #SoaringScores #RaidersOfTheLostArk
Listen here: https://youtu.be/_CJhsHodOLw
#SoaringScores #ImperialMarch #StarWars #JohnWilliams
The most iconic theme song from the original Star Wars movies! It‘s the song everyone thinks of and hums when they think STAR WARS!
Featured in the photo: Luke‘s lightsaber and my “ship” lightsaber handle umbrella ☂!
Day 3 - #TheImperialMarch #DarthVadersTheme #JohnWilliams #SoaringScores
Listen here: https://youtu.be/-bzWSJG93P8
"...and he watched with an immeasurable sadness their last effort of gaiety, which was like a dance that life makes upon the body of death." #johnwilliams #holidayreads #mustreads #favorites