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Joined January 2018

Bibliophile📚Coffee enthusiast☕️Hufflepuff💛 Sassenach💚 Shadowhunter ➰Likely to be crushed under TBR pile.
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The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
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This book was heartbreaking. Emotionally destroying. Draining. I laughed. I cried. I sat in silence when I was done just to recover. Should you read it? Abso-fucking-lutely.

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Anyone else beyond excited for this book or is it just me 😅
The Hunger Games series will always be near and dear to me. It was the series that made me fall back in love with reading. It introduced me to dystopian books. And now I can‘t wait to go back to Panem.

Crooked Kingdom | Leigh Bardugo
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Comf slippers, glass of wine, and a good book 👍👍
Who else adores the Grishaverse as much as I do?! Can not wait to read King of Scars after this!!

Darling Rose Gold | Stephanie Wrobel
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I have been so excited to read Darling Rose Gold since I got my hands on it. Just the whole plot, the idea, the nods to Gypsy Rose Blanchard, it‘s all just *chef‘s kiss*

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 🌹 4y
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I am honestly KICKING myself here. I finished this last night I kept asking myself “HOW. How had I not started this earlier?! Why did it take me so LONG?!” I absolutely adored this book. I can‘t wait to finish the series!!

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Lady Midnight | Cassandra Clare
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My reading buddy just can‘t hang 😄

I felt I‘ve put The Dark Artifices series off long enough! I‘m almost half way through and I am loving it! Can‘t believe I held off as long as I did!

Jovy Exactly what I said when I started this series! ❤️🙌🏼 Enjoy!! 4y
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The Holdout: A Novel | Graham Moore
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One of my favorite reads of 2020 so far!! A court room drama with some true crime peppered in?! YES PLEASE! It had me guessing the whole time, and I didn‘t see the ending coming!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Fiery Cross | Diana Gabaldon
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Happy Wednesday!! Finishing off what felt like a very long day with a glass of wine and one of my favorite series!! Anyone else absolutely love the Outlander season 5 premiere this past Sunday?

Liatrek Yes!!! Great start ❤️ 4y
Seesydneyread @Liatrek yes!! I felt like I cried half the episode 🙈 4y
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1984 | George Orwell
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“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

Cedricsmom This book blew my mind. It has been the most memorable book I have read in close to two years. 4y
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The first book of the new year! I‘m so excited to continue this story!!

crazyspine Well I didn't realize it came out 4y
Seesydneyread @crazyspine Yes!! Beginning of December! 4y
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Ruin and Rising | Leigh Bardugo
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I guess my reading time is really cutting into the time I could be giving her attention.

LibrarianRyan rally thought that was my dog there for a minute 5y
Seesydneyread @LibrarianRyan LOL well this is my sweet Mabel girl. We adopted her in March from our local SPCA shelter 5y
LibrarianRyan @Sydneyreads she's adorable. 5y
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Ruin and Rising | Leigh Bardugo
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I mean honestly, how is this series so perfect?! How has it taken me forever to read them?! I just can‘t get enough!

Lovesbooks87 This is series is on my never ending TBR list! 5y
Seesydneyread @Lovesbooks87 it‘s so good. I honestly didn‘t think I‘d like it as much as I have!! I can‘t wait to read the other novels in the GrishaVerse! 5y
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Different Seasons | Stephen King
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I just felt all my Stephen King books should try and fit on one bookcase.

vivastory Nice collection 👍 5y
Seesydneyread @vivastory thanks!!! I‘ve been a fan of his for years! 5y
ljuliel Do you have all of his ? I‘ve not read very many, so not sure how many he‘s written. (edited) 5y
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Seesydneyread @ljuliel sadly no!! I know I‘m missing a few, but I have yet to sit down and actually figure out what I still need. I do plan on owning all of his books one day. 5y
ljuliel You‘ll get there, I‘m sure ! Keep chipping away and you‘ll soon have them all. 5y
JulAnna Impressive! 5y
kezzlou85 My goal is own them all one day too. Good luck finding them and what a collection so far. 5y
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It‘s finally here and I can‘t get over how beautiful it is!! ☺️☺️

Bookish_Gal Gorgeous cover! Cannot wait to get it started 5y
Seesydneyread @Bookish_Gal same!! And I feel like I‘ve been waiting FOREVER 5y
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Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo

God bless Amazon‘s one day shipping 🙌🙌 I have become OBSESSED with this series. The first book keeps you hooked on every word. Leigh Bardugo could not have constructed a more perfect world. I can‘t wait to see what happens for Alina and Mal next!!

Siege and Storm | Leigh Bardugo
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God bless Amazon‘s one day shipping 🙌🙌 I have become OBSESSED with this series. The first book keeps you hooked on every word. Leigh Bardugo could not have constructed a more perfect world. I can‘t wait to see what happens for Alina and Mal next!!

Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo
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Finally stepping into the GrishaVerse today. I‘ve heard such AMAZING things about these books, and I can‘t wait to dive in!!

The Institute | Stephen King
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Nothing quite kicks off the spooky season better than the spooky master himself.

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Perfect Thursday afternoon

Reviewsbylola What a pretty cookie! 5y
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An Ember in the Ashes | Sabaa Tahir
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When they tell you it‘ll be an hour wait to check in your trades ins, you have plenty of time to fill a basket. I have zero self control.

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I figured, with the last episode fast approaching, it was a great time for a reread, and a good time to start annotating books. Who else annotates books, and has any tips to share?

BookwormAHN I do 🙋🏼‍♀️ and I love using book darts. 5y
lorannen I didn't make it through book 2 back when I first attempted reading these. Would be interested to know what your annotations might be like. There's just so much going on & so much detail! 5y
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My first go with true crime!!

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Not being able to go to work because of all the snow means I get to read all day!! I can‘t believe it took me so long to pick this book up!! I absolutely loved it. The twists!! It kept me guessing until the very end!

Bookladylinda I haven‘t read it yet either. 🙁 5y
Seesydneyread @Bookladylinda well you definitely should when you get the chance!! I knocked it out in a few day, it was so good!! Can‘t recommend enough! 5y
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The Farm | Tom Rob Smith
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I should be focusing on school work. But INSTEAD, my boss let me borrow this book and I can not put it down!! The story just sucks you in, and has you hanging off every word. The suspense is perfectly written.

Karkar This sounds good! 5y
ashley_gilman Did you read his book Child 44? I was OBSESSED!!! I‘ll have to read this one next 😍 5y
Seesydneyread @ashley_gilman no!! I had never even heard of him until my boss handed me this! I‘ll check that one out next 5y
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Bird Box: A Novel | Josh Malerman
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Finishing the year out with some suspense. What‘s everyone‘s New Year‘s resolutions? Mine are to read more books (of course) and try try tryyy to be more healthy!

HOTPock3tt To lose weight (of course) and to start cataloging my books so that I know how many I‘ve read per month/year... 5y
Seesydneyread @HOTPock3tt I feel ya! I always have the hardest time holding on to my motivation. I need results NOW. 5y
Reviewsbylola I have no motivation at all when it comes to weight loss and being more healthy, but I will probably give it a shot too. 😂 5y
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Callemarie I love love love this book. My goal is to master the follow through. When I say I'm going to do something, I do it 5y
ashley_gilman I didn‘t know this was a book! Now I‘m mad that I watched the movie first 😩 5y
Seesydneyread @afgilman1993 RIGHT?! I found out before I had the chance to watch it, thankfully. Have been avoiding spoilers like the PLAGUE. 5y
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Icelandic Legends | Jn rnason
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A tradition I think we can all get behind.

julesG Jólabókaflóð 6y
Seesydneyread @julesG yes! I‘ve heard of it before, just couldn‘t remember what it was called! 6y
julesG I told so many people about it, I even have the Icelandic pronunciation right by now. 😁😁 6y
Blaire Love this! 6y
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Haven‘t done one of these in a while 🤷🏻‍♀️

1. Always Christmas Day
2. The Grinch
3. Reindeer
4. Gingerbread everything
5. Anyone who wants to do it!

#tuesdaytidbits #thisorthat @JenlovesJT47

JenlovesJT47 💚❤️💚 6y
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Clockwork Prince | Cassandra Clare
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I think catching up on these books are long overdue. Especially with QoAaD coming out.

No Exit: A Novel | Taylor Adams
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My December Book of the Month!! Now if I can only find time between work and school 😅😅

Elevation | Stephen King
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New Stephen King book ✅
Coffee in my favorite mug ✅
Mornings done right.

Two Dark Reigns | Kendare Blake
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I‘ve been so busy with work and classes that I completely forgot this came out!!! So glad I was able to snatch it up, I absolutely love this series!!

LitLogophile Ugh I need to get this! 6y
tracey38 Looks like the perfect way to spend a fall day! 6y
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Hatchet | Gary Paulsen
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This past Wednesday, my boyfriend and I celebrated 6 years together. One of my gifts from him was his favorite book as a teen, Hatchet. He was pretty shocked when I said I never read it!

wanderinglynn Happy anniversary! ❤️ 6y
Tamra Read it, I loved reading it aloud to my kids on a trip! It‘s good. 6y
Tamra Happy Anniversary! 6y
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The Fiery Cross | Diana Gabaldon
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I had actually planned to put this book off for a bit, and read something else. But after finishing the Drums of Autumn, I had to jump right in!! Who else is excited for season 4!!!🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

BookNAround So excited! I have to admit I didn‘t love this book though and needed encouragement to get through it. I loved the first four and just found this one such hard going. 6y
Birdsong28 I felt exactly the same after reading/listening to the first one a few months ago but I knew that I wouldn't enjoy it the same so I listened to a few shorter audiobooks then I am now back listening to Dragonfly in Amber. Can't wait for the 4th series though!!! Even though I know what is going to happen when I do eventually get to the audiobooks it doesn't spoil it, it enhances them. 😀📚📖 6y
HOTPock3tt Super excited!! ❤️ In the beginning of this book it was really tough to keep going 😕 but I ended up liking it a lot!! Took about 41 chapters though 😅literally 😶lol. If I wasn‘t already so in love with the outlander series I probably would‘ve dropped it. Glad I kept going though it came together nicely. Towards the end there were some REaLLy fun parts of this book!!! So excited to see Claire & Jaime back on the big screen for season 4 & 5! ❤️ (edited) 6y
Seesydneyread @BookNAround @Birdsong28 @HOTPock3tt this book is seriously daunting. May end up having to put it down every once in awhile to pick something else up 😅😅 6y
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The Outsider | Stephen King
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Enjoying my one day off this week relaxing with this chunk. Working 40-50 hour work weeks have been kicking my butt!! Just glad I get this time to breathe.

SheReadsAndWrites My daughter is reading this! 🤓 6y
SheReadsAndWrites Too scary for me 😬 6y
Seesydneyread @SheReadsAndWrites this is definitely one of his more twisted novels. 6y
Seesydneyread @SheReadsAndWrites hope she‘s enjoying it!!! 6y
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Book Life | Race Point Publishing
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And the #tbrmountain grows with today‘s #bookhaul

The Outsider | Stephen King
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I. Love. Book mail. Especially when that book mail is Stephen King‘s new book. 😍😍 Thank God I‘m off work tomorrow!!

laundry_piles I'm really excited to read this one! 6y
Seesydneyread @laundry_piles me too!!! I feel like I‘ve been waiting forever to get my hands on this book! 6y
laundry_piles @Sydneyreads I can't wait to hear what you think of it! 6y
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The Heir | Kiera Cass
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I didn‘t think I‘d enjoy this series as much as I am. Very quick and easy reads, and so entertaining!!!

kstadt929 I LOVE them too! One of my favorites ❤️❤️ Read them all more than once 6y
Seesydneyread @kstadt929 they‘re wonderful. I think The One was my favorite so far. 6y
tracey38 I've read the first 2 books. Need to catch up on the rest! 6y
Seesydneyread @tracey38 definitely do!!! 6y
Linsy Beautiful pic! 6y
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Can‘t wait to give this series a go!!! #bookmail

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The Immortalists | Chloe Benjamin
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I can only read in between periods when it comes to the playoffs 😂 #letsgopens

callielafleur So much good hockey on! My team isn't playing tonight, so I can just sit back and enjoy. #GoBruins 6y
Seesydneyread @callielafleur well my team pretty much did exactly what I knew they would: win big game 1 and than blow game 2. I don‘t think I‘ll worry until game 3 or 4 6y
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1. 3 of 4 👧🏻👦🏻👧🏻👦🏻
2. No no. I‘m fine with what I have 😂
3. There‘s 4 of us. An older half sister, and 2 brothers on either side of me
4. My girls Katniss and Prim. And the Stark children!!
5. I can‘t!!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

The Oracle Year: A Novel | Charles Soule
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Came home from vacation to have my #BOTM waiting for me!!! Can‘t wait to start these!

The Immortalists | Chloe Benjamin
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Just a few more hours on this drive home, and starting this beauty! Wish vacay didn‘t have to end

Cinfhen Hope u enjoy this one as much as I did!!! 6y
Seesydneyread @Cinfhen I do too!! I‘ve heard great things about it. 6y
erank58 Can't wait to hear how you thought about this one!!! Been wavering over whether to pick it up or pass it by! 6y
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Seesydneyread @erank58 will definitely let you know!! 6y
Seesydneyread @erank58 just finished. it was WONDERFUL. 6y
erank58 @Sydneyreads that's great to hear!! Just added it to my TBR, thanks for the insight! 6y
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Red Queen | Victoria Aveyard
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Congratulations to @swishandflick on your huge milestone, and thank you for putting on this more than generous #swishandwin giveaway!!! 2 books on my TBR are Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, it‘s been sitting there for a bit, and then Stephen King‘s new book The Outsiders, that will be coming out the end of May!! Again, congratulations and thank you!!!

swishandflick I'm excited for that King too!! Thanks for entering 😄 6y
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My Favorite Things | Maira Kalman
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1. Mauves and light grays
2. Fiction; horror/suspense, fantasy
3. Penguins 🐧
4. ....books
5. Peanut butter M&Ms
6. Pretzels
7. All three, but coffee is best


CoffeeK8 Peanutbutter M&Ms are the best! (edited) 6y
Seesydneyread @CoffeeK8 aren‘t they though?! Definitely the best M&M 6y
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Enjoying this beautiful day on the beach with family!! Almost done with the first section for the #cobabbuddyread and just wow!!!

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I should be packing for sunny Orlando Florida, but I can‘t put this down!!! It‘s times like these I wish my mind could function with audio books 😫 #cobabbuddyread

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Shutdown | Heather Anastasiu
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Your friendly reminder that Litsy will be down starting at 3am tomorrow morning!!! #litsy


“Starting a book is like boarding a train to go on holiday.”

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March was not a good bookish month for me. Hopefully will find my way out of this slump in April!!

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Thanks for the tag @GarthRanzz
1. Usually Young Adult because it‘s the closest to the door.
2. “Books are a uniquely portable magic” Stephen King
3. Dr. Seuss!
4. @Lissa00