I enjoyed this more than I originally expected to! Didn't love that the ending was definitely sequel bait, but Maeve's journey and the development of the witchcraft was so good. #yafantasy #kinda
I enjoyed this more than I originally expected to! Didn't love that the ending was definitely sequel bait, but Maeve's journey and the development of the witchcraft was so good. #yafantasy #kinda
Looking for a shallow, offensively funny book? This is for you! I know she doesn't take herself seriously and thank goodness she doesn't because she already sounds real bad in some parts. If you need to listen to something light while you're cleaning or doing some chore, this is a great time eater. #humor #kinda
So I‘m not making an actual TBR list for this month, because I really tend to read by mood, especially this time of year. But I‘m definitely feeling the YA fantasy vibe this month, so these are all strong contenders! 😊📚❄️
This was....so weird, but I couldn't stop reading. #readingwomenmonth #imstillnotsurewhathappened #butitwascool #kinda #conflicted