Hoping that if I bring this little nugget to the library enough, he'll start loving books as much as his mama. I know at the very least he'll always pick out a Llama Llama book...🤣😅🙂😒
Hoping that if I bring this little nugget to the library enough, he'll start loving books as much as his mama. I know at the very least he'll always pick out a Llama Llama book...🤣😅🙂😒
Since having my son, finding time to read for fun has been slim.. If I even have the energy. This comic is my fantasy right now... Any new mom's out there can relate!?! #imissreadingmybooks
Continuing on with my journey on trying to read every Agatha Christie book. I enjoyed this one, but not as much as others. This was the first time I was able to guess what happened before the end... Maybe I'm just getting better at it? #doubtit #mystery 🤓🕵️
What a great listen! Such raw and real emotion when she read her book. I've always liked her but it was great learning more about her life and all the things she's gone through. My favorite part was when she talked about 'sparkly people'. Love it so much! This world needs more sparkly people 🥰 #audiobook #love
If you've ever watched any show she's in... The Office or The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.... She's just as weird as her characters. 100% a little odd, but so very loveable! Enjoyed learning more about her. ❤️ #oddball #funny #audiobook
This is a different type of #bookhaul... Doing some fall cleaning to make room for an extra member of the family coming in the spring! 🤰🏼 The sacrifices for this kiddo starting early in getting rid of some books. If anyone has tips on how to select books to move out or how to efficiently display books, I'll take them!!
January 19, 2019. This was the day I placed my audio book hold to listen to Michelle Obama talk to me for 20 hours about her life. Waiting 10 months for it was SO WORTH IT! Listening to her made the words come alive and I felt everything she was saying. I learned so much about her, her family and even some fun facts about the White House. She is such a strong woman who really cares about the people and future of this country. #recommend
Listening to my pal (😁) Michelle Obama while setting up my fall decorations. My book shelf appreciates the attention and warm light... Don't worry, they're not real candles 😋🕯️
Read this book as was recommended by you fellow Littens and per usual, you did not disappoint in the suggestion! Flew through this book and loved the characters and world it is set in. I've been reading more books this year with female leads and love adding this one to the list. #fantasy #youngadult
Seeing enough recommendations on Litsy I figured I'd give this a go! It wasn't what I expected, but it didn't disappoint. Fast paced and kept your mind guessing what was going to happen next. Anyone looking for a super quick read, I've got a book to lend you! #serialkiller #nottooscary #funread #femaleauthor #recommend
On a roll this week with books. Finished this audio book and it was 💯 times better than I thought it would be. If you're familiar with the crazily terrible movie if all time, The Room, then this is a must listen. I highly recommend the audio book over reading it because Greg Sestero does a brilliant job mimicking Tommy's weird accent. Such a funny and terrifying book. #mustlisten #audiobook #bookbetterthanthemovie
Finished this book on a Sunday which seems fitting since this was about a Vicars daughter 😏 I knew it was going to be a good one if the author has to warn her dad about this many chapters... Bring on the steamy love scenes! But seriously, it was a great, simple, Beauty and the Beastesq story that warms your heart. If you need a little bit of uncomplicated love in your life, read this! 🥰♥️ #romance #steamy
Read this book as an ode to my trip to Ireland this year. If you've read Sharp objects or watched True Detective on HBO, this book would remind you of those stories. Unfortunately this means I didn't like it. I felt it moved way to slow and the part of the story I wanted solved wasn't even really a thing. The synopsis from the back of the book was misleading as to what the story was really about. Great writing, but these genres aren't for me.
Never saw something more true! #reading #love #takemeaway
My favorite birthday gifts are always books! I love no matter what people give me as it's an opportunity to read something new. Excited to dive into these romance books. #romance #birthday #birthdaybooks
The title of this book is pretty accurate and it's geared towards those seriously interested in pursuing acting as a career. I'm not looking for a career change but I thought this was a really interesting listen and I learned A LOT in what it takes to be a successful working actor. This book reenforced my love for JFischer and you better believe I immediately started rewatching The Office 😁 She's such a down to earth relatable person. #audiobook
Looking for a shallow, offensively funny book? This is for you! I know she doesn't take herself seriously and thank goodness she doesn't because she already sounds real bad in some parts. If you need to listen to something light while you're cleaning or doing some chore, this is a great time eater. #humor #kinda
This book was so moving, I couldn't recommend it enough. I appreciate Gabrielle's raw honesty in her autobiography. She gave serious reflection on her life and admitted to all her mistakes, but also spoke up on how her industry and society has failed her for being a black woman. Her account of when she was raped and the strength it took from being a victim to a survivor was powerful.She has given me so much to think about in how to support others.
While walking home from work today saw that my neighborhood popup library was finished being built! This little cutie is our tiny library until the original one is finished with renovations next year. I predict a lot of side tracking on my home in the future....😍
One of the books I picked on my "used book store buying binge", or maybe it was just a regular Tuesday ?... But enjoying the read. It's A LOT to get through so I'm sure it'll take me a while to read, but I love learning about world history. Definitely helps me understand what's happening in Kasmir right now. #educationalbooks #learnthroughreading #bookhaul
This has been on my shelf for a long time and I regret not reading it sooner. This is a true account from the POV from the author who was on the team that hiked up Mount Everest in 1996 which ended up being the most deadly. It is absolutely astounding what humans are willing to put themselves through for thrill seeking but also, what the body can actually withstand. One person survived outside with no shelter in a gale with -100F temp!🥶#recommend
The last book of his I read left me frustrated and annoyed so I was a bit hesitant to listen to this, but I figured I'd give it a try since I would be listening to him reading instead. THANK GOODNESS I DID! There were many moments that had me laughing out loud. I'd listen to this walking home and I'm sure there were some people that thought I was crazy laughing aloud, but I don't care, I couldn't hold it in. #audiobook #hilarious #audiowalk
My #24in48 got interrupted, but for a good reason! Walked to the National Mall to view the projection of the Saturn V launch into space on the Washington Monument. What a fantastic way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of bringing three US men to land on the Moon! Going to have to start reading space books soon....
While lingering around my favorite used book store looking for some great reads, I stumbled across this gem of a chair. 💎 It is more comfortable than it initially looks. Wish I had more time to really sit and read in it. Oh well, at least I know where to find this book throne! 👸🏼
What's your favorite reading chair? #bookthrone #usedbookstore #icouldsitherealldaylong
While putting my book away I saw this list at the back of her book. Looks like I have my reading list set! Now I just need to look for these books at thrift stores, yard sales, second hand book shops, etc. Sometimes I think the hunt for the book is just as exciting as reading them. #tbr #bookhunt #mystery #bookhaul #readinglist
The more I read Christie's stories the more I fall in love with her mystery books. 🧐 This was a great beach read and I can't wait to read more of her books! I just need to now buy them.... ♥️👀🕵️ #mystery #whodoneit #beachread
So I know that dog earring a book isn't the most popular, but you all will forgive me for this one right? I have no idea how this book was cut for this to happen.... Any ideas? #dogear #requiredinthiscase
I think Neil is a fun guy and I really loved listening to how he describes the love and awe of his wonderful family, but overall this book was so-so for me. Perhaps it was because I listened via audiobook, but sometimes it was hard for me to follow what was his reality vs. the "alternate" biography.
#audiobook #julyread #comedy
Overall a good book. The critics reviews called this "hilarious" but I wouldn't go that far. It was a fun read but nothing knee slapping. If anything kind of depressing reading about obscene wealth that I know exists in this world. There are for sure people THAT rich and out of touch with the world. If you can get past that part, it's a fun book. I especially LOVED learning all the cultural tidbits that he includes. #richpeopleproblems #julyread
So I've always wanted to try this and not sure if anyone else has done it... But I want to read the book(s) that my current read mentions. For example, this book has a list of books that Kitty Pong must read to be accepted into high Hong Kong society. I feel like this challenge would lead to some diverse genres! Anyone try this before? Anyone want to try it with me? #challenge #Readthebooksbooks
I see a lot of people on Litsy making strives to purposefully read books that are written by women or people of color. I saw this and thought that reading books with different people being represented was just as important, especially when introducing kids to the wonderful world of books. If you have little ones, whether yours, neice, nephew, cousin, students etc, consider picking a book with kids from different backgrounds...❤️
My husband was so kind today offering to go to all these book stores, but I told him I can't go in because I have books to finish first. The sweet man then said, why don't you go in & just look, you don't have to buy anything.🤦🏼♀️ That's not how book stores & me work. The conversation did make me get my butt in gear to finish my reading list. Next up: read about rich people problems. I wish it was a book I could relate too.... #tbr #currentread
Yes please! Give me the next one! This was such a great read I CANNOT wait for the next book in the series to come out in December. So impressed with the world that was created, but also the fact that Tomi used this book as also a metaphor for the real pain, suffering and fear black people in America face. A brilliant book that I give five stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ #youngadult #fantasy #moreplease #femalelead #womanauthor
UPDATE! I'M NOW ONLY 431 IN LINE! Wooo! My original place in line was 1248 with a 6 month wait. I'm getting so much closer, the anticipation is killing me. Yes I know I can just buy the book, but #1 I like free things #2 I want to hear her read this book to me. #longestwaitever #audiobook #patientlywaiting #hurryup #librarybook
When it's too bright to read your paperback, it's nice to have a good audio option to soak up that sun. #audiobook #funny #junelisten
Someone gets the sleepies if I read to them. Also, let's play a game of "I spy"... There are two kitties in this picture. Can you find his sneaky friend? ??❤️
#catsoflitsy #sleepy #juneread #littenkitten
Getting out of a reading slump can be hard for me sometimes, but this book was what I needed to get back into the game! When they have a map, you know the story is thought out and going to be good. Such a unique book and hoping the second one is out already! #readingslumpisover #juneread #youngadult #fantasy #love
This book moved me more than I thought it would. A winding story following the life of Bengali immigrants and their son Gogol living as a first generation American. Sorry follows where life leads him and how it shapes his name and who he is. It made me wonder and curious about people's names. Anyone have an interesting origin story to their name? #summerread
I love reading before I go to bed since it's helps me wind down, but the struggle to actually put the book down and sleep... Well that's a battle I fight EVERY night when reading a good book. The Namesake is much better than I anticipated...darn you night time reading! Better than watching TV but I still stay up late! #cantstopreading #canstopwontstop #juneread #nighttimereading 💤
April and May were clearly rough months in the reading department, but goals aren't always easy to achieve. New month, new progress and excited to finish those books on my shelf. #2019readinggoals #junereading
This was such a fascinating book! Michael Pollan dissects the relationship between plants and people and frames it in a way that plants are using us instead of us using them. He focuses on four plants and how we view them: Apples for sweetness, Marajuana for intoxication, Potatoes for control and Tulips for beauty. I really enjoyed learning about the history of each of these plants and how they shaped our society. #recommend #bookonplants
From my last post, thank you so much for all your kind words, support, comfort and hugs - Littens are amazing!
The posted picture was during my break from Litsy. While in the healing mode I traveled to Ireland and saw the Book of Kell's and walked down the Long Hall. Raise your hand if you wish you could have this library in your house!! 😍🙋🏼♀️ #givemethatlibrary #littentravels #librarybook
It has been a few months since I've been on Litsy and I wish my reason for being away for so long was a good one. I announced my new life journey through the wonderful book I was reading, Expecting Better, but now my story instead ends with What Was Lost, a journey through miscarriage. I am on the mend both physically and emotionally and am looking forward to seeing what summer reads everyone is getting into. ❤️
Guess I know what the next few months of reading will be!!! ❤️ So excited to be a first time mom, but also terrified. I've only read a few pages of this and it's making me feel better and empowered already. #firsttimemommy #futurelitsybaby #futurereader #babybook #slightlyterrifired