About to start Tin Man by Sarah Winman - I've heard so many good reviews about this book already so I'm excited to see how it unfolds!
#tinman #sarahwinman #books #reading #lillytales
About to start Tin Man by Sarah Winman - I've heard so many good reviews about this book already so I'm excited to see how it unfolds!
#tinman #sarahwinman #books #reading #lillytales
I've culled my bookshelves to become a @booksontherail Book Ninja! Prepare to see these lovely books taking a ride on Melbourne's trains, buses and trams very soon! Who knows where they'll end up?
#booksontherail #lillytales #books #bookstack
Currently running a little poll over on my Instagram about which book I should read next... 👀 'No Way! Okay Fine' by Brodie Lancaster seems to be winning at this point.
#books #tbr #lillytales #bedsidebookshelf
There's a brand new book haul video on my YouTube channel! 📹 A few weekends ago I was invited to the Australian Booksellers Association conference by the lovely team at @loveyourbookshopday. It was amazing. Find out about all the books I was lucky enough to get my hands on by clicking the link in my bio ☝️
#bookhaul #booktube #lillytales #books #bibliophile
This beautiful book, full of feminism and pop culture, is released into bookshop wilderness today!
#brodielancaster #nowayokayfine #lillytales
"To be a woman, you must struggle, like the ballerina struggles. You have to work hard. It is painful work. And when you do it right, it will look effortless. But where we're different from dancers, my sweet, is that we will never be applauded for getting it right."
#katetempest #thebricksthatbuiltthehouses #lillytales #qotd #women #feminism
Roxane Gay is one of my absolute favourite authors and I'm dipping into 'Hunger' this morning while eating my breakfast 👀 Who else is reading Hunger right now?
#roxanegay #hunger #lillytales