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Tin Man
Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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For #February , I‘m highlighting this book. Short in page length, but the emotions in this book are not small. I reread my review of this one - it is a quiet novel and one that does stay with you. Even now, I may not necessarily remember all of the details, but I can remember the feelings conjured up from the story and the raw emotions from the characters. #12BooksOf2023

Andrew65 This book has a good reputation. 6mo
intothehallofbooks I agree with everything you said here! So much emotion in this one. (edited) 6mo
Librarybelle @intothehallofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 6mo
BarbaraBB I loved this one too 6mo
Librarybelle @BarbaraBB ❤️❤️❤️ 6mo
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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This is a quiet novel, a novel about love and longing and what it means to be a family. It took me some time to get into the writing style, but once I did, I loved the scenic descriptions. Winman has a way of documenting emotions…very stark but yet also layered. It‘s melancholic but yet also hopeful in a way. Lots to think about with this one. #BBRC #YeahBaby #FriendOfDorothy

TrishB Love this book 😁 1y
BarbaraBB Loved this so much ! 1y
Reggie Omg, 😭, this book. I loved it. 1y
Librarybelle I‘m so glad I read this one! @TrishB @BarbaraBB @Reggie 1y
LibrarianRyan nice! 1y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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#wonderouswednesday @Eggs

1) This just happened with the tagged. Took me weeks to recover

1- Hated it, 📚 has 0 merit
2 - Disliked but can see some pros
3- It was fine!
4- Great read, will push on people
5- Perfect, absolutely loved it, no notes

3) I can listen to music, depending on if I remembered to turn on the speaker 🤣


Eggs 👏🏻📚🤗 1y
Librariana I'm sorry I'm so incredibly late to replying to this, @ChaoticMissAdventures! Zero ⭐️s for me! And speaking of ratings... 1) This was awful. Yuck. 2)This was just OK. Won't re-read. 3) This was fine. I liked it. Might re-read. 4) I really, really liked this! It was lovely! 😍 Will prob re-read. 5) WOW! Superb! Perfect to ME. 🤩 I own this, right? It's in my personal library so I can longingly and lovingly stare at it, right?? Will totes re-read! 1y
Librariana @ChaoticMissAdventures - Have not had a book hangover recently. It's been a while! I think the last time this happened might've been with "The City We Became" by N.K. Jemisin which I'm currently re-reading in preparation for the sequel. Also, no music for me while I read. I like to... immerse myself in my reading world. 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Librariana have you been having a real life outside of social media??? 😂. Ratings are always so interesting to me, I see some giving out 5⭐ constantly and I hoard mine like a boomer with empty butter containers 😂 1y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Last week's reads.
Struggled a bit with Far From the Madding Crowd (honestly spent a lot of time wondering who the Maddings were....)
Tin Man is a reread, and wooo it took me a couple of days to get over it to start reading again. What better praise of a book then to say it created a book hangover
Dread Nation I listed to on audio, it was fun!
Ring Shout was so incredibly imaginative, excited for the TV show.

Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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@TheAromaofBooks #bookspin #bookspinbingo

Great reading month for me! I finished both of my bookspin books, and got 5 bingos. It's all downhill from here! Ahahaha kidding hope I can keep this momentum going.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Fantastic month!! 1y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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I read 20 books in January.

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Take My Hand
Nothing But Blue Sky

Really Good, Actually
Fried Green Tomatoes

January reread-. Tin Man holds up so glad I read it again!

BarbaraBB So many good ones! 1y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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I love Sarah Winman‘s writing. But oh, this one is sad.

Chelsea.Poole I read this earlier this year. Yes, it is very sad but it has really stayed with me. 💔 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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BarbaraBB Such a wonderful book! 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Read this short book (under 200 pages) in one sitting. It‘s a love story, a beautiful story, about Ellis and Michael and Annie. The writing is magnificent and reading this book will enrich your life. Make time for this magical little book.

Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Just gorgeous writing - like everyone else, I was absolutely captivated by this beautiful gentle story about how three very ordinary people found and lost and found each other (in a way) again. I'm planning on buying copies as gifts for my MIL and a few of the other literary fiction fans in my life. This one's a keeper.

Alfoster Good to know! Have this in my TBR queue but haven‘t read it yet!👊 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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#AlphabetGame Letter T

From all the good books starting with. T I chose this one. I loved it and need to reread it.

TrishB Awesome book 😁 2y
Alfoster Oh yay! I have it on my TBR shelf!❤️👍 2y
sprainedbrain Love this book. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 📚 2y
jlhammar This book was so good. Great choice! 2y
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The Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Amazing how much this author accomplished with so few words. Ellis, Michael, and Annie have a special connection that is revealed in scenes, many remembered by characters when thinking back to formative years and experiences. Kind of how real life is, and that made this book all the more impactful for me. So much grief though, so beware.

TheLudicReader I loved this spare novel. 2y
BookBelle84 Great photo! 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Started this today for book club next week.
I‘m not far into it yet, but in a word:

ChaoticMissAdventures I absolutely love this book. So tiny but such a big punch. The writing is incredibly effective. 2y
BarbaraBB I loved this one so much too. I think you‘ll agree. Enjoy! 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Cayla! Thank you sooo much for this sweet and thoughtful package! I love everything! You put your heart into this and I can tell! Love your letter and thank you for the sweet things you said. That means the world to me! Can‘t wait to write in my notebook and read these books! Thank you so much sweetie 💗💗💗 sending you lots of love and hugs 🤗


CaliforniaCay I'm so glad it arrived safely, enjoy 💚🤗💚 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Love is not strong enough for how I feel about this book. Beautifully written, artful, and quietly heart wrenching. A story about love, relationships, and loss that‘s left me with a hole in my heart and a #bookhangover like I haven‘t had in a long time. 💛

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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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I love the way Winman writes about longing and loss. The language is simple yet lyrical and beautiful. The book explores different types of love/relationships - first love, friendship, marriage. Winman also writes about the AIDS epidemic. The first part that centers around Ellis drew me in but I felt less connected to Michael and Annie. It‘s 3 out of 5 stars for me.

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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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BarbaraBB Such a wonderful book! 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Gosh, what a book, what a read.
I've neglected chores and the boyfriend as I've been consumed by this tale of three.
Almost wept at various points but equally smiled so much 😊😊😍😢

TrishB One of my favourite books ♥️ 2y
IuliaC This one is on my list too! I've read “When God was a Rabbit“ and liked it very much 2y
rachaich @IuliaC Still Life is awesome too 😊😊 2y
IuliaC @rachaich I'll stack this one too 👍 Thanks! 😃 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Bagged this at the library.
I really fell for Still Life and hope this is half as good.

readingjedi Haven't read Still Life, but this is fabulous! 2y
jlhammar Tin Man is so, so good. Enjoy! 2y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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“We keep secrets from one another now… They‘re secret because we don‘t know what to do about the thing we were. So we stay away from it and don‘t touch it, in case it stings. Avoidance is the dock leaf.”

Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Lunch time reading soundtrack #readingsoundtrack

Kimbono This was a beautiful book. Highly recommend. 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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I loved this. It's the story of a pair of friends. It's a love story really.

Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Poignant, thought-provoking, heartbreaking, tear-jerking, soul-restoring & beautifully written, this book is a thing of joy. The complexity of the relationship between the 3 main characters unfurls slowly & seductively & I was entranced. Loved all the oblique Wizard of Oz references, loved Michael's section, a snapshot of the 80s AIDS epidemic, loved the ending in France, loved it all. So sad, but also weirdly uplifting. Gosh, what a book!

DivineDiana Love your review. Stacked. 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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A lovely, albeit melancholy, novel about friendship, family, love, art and grief.

vlwelser I just requested this from the library. The Van Gogh cover gets my attention every time I see it. 3y
TheLudicReader @vlwelser I will look forward to your thoughts. 3y
IuliaC Stacked! I've just finished "When God Was a Rabbit" by this author and liked it very much 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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So happy to be starting a new book today. My last read was a bit of a hard slog so I'm hoping this one flows a little easier.

Penny_LiteraryHoarders OMG this one was incredible. I couldn't see through my uncontrollable sobbing at the end. Enjoy! Such an amazing story. 3y
BarbaraBB I loved this one 🤍 3y
Reggie This one…😭😭😭 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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#curiouscovers #gold
Has anyone read this gorgeous and deep slim novel? I remember reading and thinking this is fine and then the end came like a gut punch and I couldn't stop thinking about the whole book for weeks and weeks.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs 🌟👏🏻📙🧡👍🏼 3y
TrishB Absolutely loved it. Her new one was published last week and it‘s brilliant too. 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures @TrishB I haven't gotten to it yet! Thank you for reminding me 🥰 3y
Nute Very pretty cover art! 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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1st book of June finished. 4 ⭐️

sprainedbrain Loved that one! 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Postal book club strikes again... I went in to this tiny book knowing nothing about it, was promptly completely absorbed in the beautiful storytelling, was totally blindsided by the direction the story took, and was finally stunned by a perfect ending.

Never have I seen a more apt blurb on a book cover. I am all astonishment.

Not going to talk about what happens in this book—everyone should experience it for themselves. ❤️


BarbaraBB Glad you loved it too 🧡 3y
Reggie Ughhh the part after the marriage when Michael gets into the car with Sable because she knew he‘d need someone...😭😭😭. 3y
sprainedbrain @Reggie so painful! 😭 3y
sprainedbrain @BarbaraBB I can absolutely see why it‘s one of your favorites! ❤️ 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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I received a BEAUTIFUL package of birthday goodies today from the lovely and marvelous @Meaw_catlady !!! Thank you so so SO MUCH, Ray! You are so kibd and sweet! I especially love the books and mala beads! 😍📚💕

Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 3y
Branwen @Ruthiella Thanks so much! 😄💖 3y
Meaw_catlady I‘m so happy you love it all!! You deserve all the blessings on your bday and always! Love you! ❤️🌈🥰 3y
Branwen @Meaw_catlady Love you too! *hugs* 💖💖💖 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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I felt like this was a bit slow at first, but the pace ended up being a perfect buildup to a beautiful ending. I definitely want to re-read this, just because I felt like I was not as immersed as I should have been reading the first half. Such a wonderfully sad story

Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Not your traditional love stories, and some (most) with not so happy endings.

Happy VD.
#lovestories #VDreading

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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Rereading this small miracle of a novel for a book club discussion I‘m leading next month and it‘s every bit as beautiful and devastating as I remember.

Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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For the 12th and final book was this little heartbreaker. I‘ve noticed most of my favorite reads this year were very character driven and I won‘t forget Ellis or Michael anytime soon.

TrishB A great read ♥️ 3y
Kalalalatja Everytime I see a post about Tin Man, I want to reread it. So good ❤️ 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Just spotted on Instagram.... Sarah Winman announced a new book for July 2021... so excited! I know you loved Tin man too @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB Oh this is such good news! I think @Kalalalatja and @TrishB will be thrilled too! (edited) 4y
squirrelbrain Oh, Tin Man was one of my favourites of last year! 4y
TrishB Oh fab! Says June publication for U.K. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 one to look forward to. 4y
Kalalalatja How exciting! And the cover looks good, too 😍 4y
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The Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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5🌟 A story about love in all forms, grief, and friendship. Winman's storytelling was superb! Slowly and nonchalantly showing us these characters and their layers, their longing and love for each other. I loved them all by the end. The whole book was so serene and beautifully done. Her prose are steadfast and wistful. The narration in the second half was so raw, like an open wound. This left me heartbroken but content at the same time.

TrishB I loved this book ❤️ 4y
BarbaraBB Me too! 4y
Come-read-with-me Sounds great! Stacked!! 4y
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Bookalong @TrishB yay! So good! 4y
Bookalong @BarbaraBB yay! Such a good book! 4y
Bookalong @Come-read-with-me hope you enjoy! 4y
Bookalong @BarbaraBB yay! 😊 3y
Bookalong @BarbaraBB so good!🤗 3y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Thanks for the tag Helen 😊👍💕@squirrelbrain

Covers I love? I‘m always drawn to covers with a watery/swimming theme....
Here are some favorites..... 📚😍

Feel like playing? @Tex2Flo @erzascarletbookgasm

451Degrees Love that there‘s a common theme! But there‘s always something about water that I‘m drawn to as well! Great picks! Thanks for the tag💙 4y
squirrelbrain All very summery! You‘re probably still lovely and warm over there - we‘re definitely not! 4y
BarbaraBB Great collage! I loved the Water Cure cover too, but the book less. 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for the tag! 🤗 Love these covers. 4y
Tex2Flo I couldn‘t find a single one to post. Losing my touch. Next challenge. 4y
Nute Fantastic collage! I think it‘s the very soothing effect of the color blue that gets me every time. I was so drawn to the cover design for The Water Cure. It was definitely a cover buy for me!🙂 4y
KarenUK Thanks @Nute I‘m definitely drawn to ‘watery‘ covers for sure..... 💕 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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#alphastack #letterT

Some of my favorite authors in this stack (Winman, O‘Farrell, Fitzgerald, Niffenegger) and two of the same paperback as I loved Tin man, and adored both the US and UK covers!

Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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My first #bookspin pick finished in the nick of time! I enjoyed this slim novel about heartbreak and loss. The writing style took me a second to get used to but the language and story telling was beautiful. Love the cover too. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Kalalalatja Tin Man is one of my favourite books ❤️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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"Make peace with it, my boy. Make your peace."

I had no idea how much I needed this book. In such a small package, Winman has not only perfectly personified grief, but reframed it entirely into something beautiful and hopeful. What a lovely short read for a quiet Friday night. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LoveToReadLiveToRead Such a lovely book x 4y
Prairiegirl_reading I‘ve had this on my shelf for ages. 😕 4y
LapReader One of my favourites. 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Yay!! Excited for my first #bookspin #doublespin reads.

squirrelbrain Loved Tin Man! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
mrp27 @squirrelbrain I've heard such good things about it, I'm looking forward to it. 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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I decided to also complete all 15 prompts for Leo, which is my rising sign. Out of the 107 books read in June, 23 covered the Leo prompts. The tagged book Tin Man covered the most Leo prompts. 🧡🦁🧡

#ReadYourSign #Leo @Meaw_catlady

Cheshirecat913 Your layout is so pretty!! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm What a fantastic reading month! 😃 Loving your journal layout 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Day one of #CYOReadathon is over, and I‘m happy to say I managed to read for 12h11m, and read/finish 5 books! I finished off the 6th book this morning, and now I‘ve started on the tagged audiobook. So far I‘m truly enjoying this weekends events! Not to mention that I‘m going to be FaceTiming my best friend later today, during their gender reveal party 💕💙💕


Sace Oh fun! (I love your handwriting BTW) 4y
Clwojick @Sace thanks! I‘m a sucker for a readathon tracker 😂 (edited) 4y
tracey38 Nice! And have fun face timing at the gender reveal party! 4y
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The Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Sensitive and well written. I will read more of Winman.

Perhaps what I love most is the reasoning of the title and references throughout the book hidden in plain sight. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Reggie Sadie in the car with Michael after the wedding because she knew he would need someone...😭. 4y
Dolly @Reggie 👍 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Well it took me about 5 hours, but I finalized my #JuneTBR for the #ReadYourSign event. I am a very stereotypical Scorpio🦂♏️, but after reading more into it I found my rising sign is Leo🦁♌️ and I have an Aries ♈️ moon sign. After a bit of research, I can relate to the Leo description as well, so I‘ve decided to attempt to check off all 15 prompts for both signs. Which I‘m hoping I can do with these 15 books 😉


Meaw_catlady Woah good choices! I‘m gonna look through my TBR when I get off work and decide how many I can realistically read in the time haha ! 🖤♎️ 4y
Clwojick @Meaw_catlady Good luck! It was surprisingly easy to make some books fit multiple prompts once I decided that I was going to attempt two signs. Hopefully you can find some good ones too! 4y
Sace Impressive! I'm trying to plan a little and leave room for going with the flow...which I think is very Pisces ♓ of me 😂 4y
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sharread Awesome! 👍🌺🌹 4y
BarbaraBB I‘m a Scorpio too with Leo rising. I am screenshotting your choices! 4y
Clwojick @BarbaraBB It took me AGES to find a book with sunflowers on it. 🙈 4y
BarbaraBB But it‘s the best! I loved that book! 🌻 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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#BiblioMAYnia #endpages

Love that it‘s so pretty 🌼🌻

BiblioLitten Oh I love it! 💙💛 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💛💛💛 4y
tracey38 Love it. 🌻🌻 4y
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OriginalCyn620 Pretty! 💛 4y
Nute Pretty!🌻 4y
Cathythoughts Lovely ❤️ 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Sarah is reading her novel aloud LIVE right now, on Instagram.... 💕🎧

TrishB Oh I forgot! And I don‘t have Instagram....enjoy 😁 (edited) 4y
BarbaraBB I forgot too. How was she? 4y
KarenUK @Barbarabb Very chill and mellow, which kinda suits the book. She‘s going to read a bit everyday I think? 4y
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Tin Man | Sarah Winman
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Sarah Winman is one of my favorite authors, and I just LOVE this book....
Just spotted this on insta....I‘m definitely going to try and tune in to this each day.... She was an actress before becoming a published author, so I‘m sure she‘ll be a fabulous narrator....

TrishB This is too early for me to listen too ☹️ 4y
Crazeedi Sounds like fun!! 4y
BarbaraBB This is cool! 4y
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