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This is an excellent collection of articles on racism, its effects, and how to overcome it. #ScientificAmerican #AntiRacism #SocialJustice
1. The hubby and I dress up. We go to a local Halloween fest. Since we don‘t receive Trick-or-Treaters at our rural home, we alternate going out with nieces and nephews every year. We come home and watch a scary movie we‘ve never seen.
2. Tagged. It‘s a bit silly to some, I‘m sure, but it opened my world in ways no other book ever has before. I was raised in a family that doesn‘t believe in it...
3. Bookly or Goodreads
• Can't wait to read with the Little. I'm determined that he's going to know about these wonderfully talented and intelligent women in history✨🚀👓 •
#TBR #MountTBR #upnext #challenges #childrensbooks #BabyStoleMyBook #HiddenFigures #KatherineJohnson #science #NASA #intelligentwomen #brainsaremoreimportantthanboobs #women #history #AfricanAmerican #Americanhistory #smartwomen #mathandscience #ebook