This just in, medieval brits ate senapssill
This just in, medieval brits ate senapssill
So I‘m going into the Guinness book 📕of records for catching covid in 2 consecutive months,first on a plane ,then from a ship! So catching up on the bbc between the covers tv bookshow : jo brand recommended this,an eyewitness account of some of the fascinating moments in history. Such as Caesar invading Britain, dinner with Attila the Hun, human sacrifice with aztecs, the assassination of Lincoln, a mastectomy before anaesthesia etc fascinating !
At my school, 8th grade reads Lester‘s “Day of Tears” so I was excited to find this nonfiction account by Lester. He took excerpts of 19th century slave narratives & the Federal Writers Project interviews of former slaves from the 1930s & made a narrative that‘s kid friendly. It‘s well done & I plan on using some of those excerpts in class but I thought his commentary in between interviews was problematic, especially regarding native peoples.
Reading Robert of Clari‘s account of the wonders of Constantinople at the Sun Diner in Nashville after #pla2020. Robert was a very low-ranking knight during the Fourth Crusade, which sacked Constantinople in 1204. The sack was a desecration. It wrecked the city, installed a brief “Latin” empire, and made the eventual destruction at the hands of the Turks inevitable. Robert saw none of the politics, but his account is amazing for what it did see.
Went up to CT this weekend to see daughter dance. In between shows, hubby and I went to the local history museum. These books were on a shelf labeled FREE! 🤩! Tagged two-volume set is an extensive collection of first-hand accounts of participants in the war. All these published in the 1950s. Have to wait until next week after I get back from California to look closely.
Happy Thanksgiving, American Littens & hope everyone has a good week.
Collection of #letters from the “forgotten man” to President Roosevelt during the Great Depression
#nonfictionreads #riotgrams
#LiteraryLove #ForgetMeNot
I‘m truly adoring her primary sources and the inclusion of the original Irish passages. 🇮🇪☘️💚
#graceomalley #granuaile #annechambers #irish #primarysources
This is an excellent compilation of diverse accounts in various formats & writing styles that focus on JPN-AM Internment Camp experiences. There are speeches given by politicians voting for the redress, poetry & photographic/illustrated journals from camp victims (mostly kids), as well as excerpts from memoirs & essays from both non-JPN & JPN AM who were impacted by this unconstitutional & illegal war crime that took place in WWII America.