For my #superseptember #readathon, my goal is to catch up on the Barkskins #readingenvyreadalong and finish the latest from Kate Moore (I adored “Radium Girls”). Get well soon, Andrew!!
For my #superseptember #readathon, my goal is to catch up on the Barkskins #readingenvyreadalong and finish the latest from Kate Moore (I adored “Radium Girls”). Get well soon, Andrew!!
Im not sure if anyone is doing the readalong but it's not too late to start. Even tho this is a big book it is v readable, I'd say similar to Homegoing in that each section tells a story about families in the creation of Canada starting in the 17thc. As I put part 3 down today I had marvelled at the beauty of an untouched landscape but horrified at the steady destruction of the same and the indigenous people.
#readingenvyreadalong @ReadingEnvy
Have you heard? The next Reading Envy Readalong starts next week and we will be reading Barkskins. Conversations will be in the Goodreads group or you can post your thoughts with a #readingenvyreadalong
May wrap! My audio time was spent on the 45 hour Ducks, Newburyport read for the #readingenvyreadalong. #maywrapup
I finished Ducks, Newburyport last night and I'm looking forward to discussing it with others who participated in the #readingenvyreadalong - I know some put it aside because the internal stream felt too familiar, too claustrophobic, and I too was growing weary around page 800. Then it shifted and what came before took on new meaning and I'm still processing the end. There will be a lot to discuss! ⤵️
… Junipero Serra just got canonized, the fact that he started slavery in California, AND the first winery, neophytes, the fact that Serra converted a lot of Indians and then made them all work as slaves in the mission, probably making the wine too, the Indian Indenture Act of 1850 …
Page 231. The narrator is currently stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire in February and the song Mele Kalikimaka going through her head. I decided to skim this part—25 pages—until I found a break: a section about the lioness. Relief! Except now that song is stuck in MY head. #readingenvyreadalong
…the fact that I was probably a lot more fun before I started worrying about absolutely everything, but I just can‘t seem to help it…
…everybody seems to have military-style weapons now, not just hunting rifles, the fact that they all want weapons to completely destroy you, not just maim you, the fact that these weapons are designed to kill people as fast as possible, in war… the fact that 14,000 people get shot in America every year, 93 a day… the fact that 4,500,000 women a year are threatened with a gun in America, 4,500,000…
Book serendipity: concurrent reads that intersperse a running storyline about a wild thing with a story about human things. I like the way the brief chapters about an eel make my heart slow to the rhythm of the seasons in Fiona Farrell‘s Decline and Fall on Savage Street. I like the way the lioness parts give me a break from the narrator‘s frantic brain in Ducks Newburyport. #readingenvyreadalong