Maybe this beauty will pull me out of my reading slump. I really enjoyed Beartown and have been excited about reading this.
#readingslumpssuck #stresssucks #newbooksmell #readingtakesthepainaway
Maybe this beauty will pull me out of my reading slump. I really enjoyed Beartown and have been excited about reading this.
#readingslumpssuck #stresssucks #newbooksmell #readingtakesthepainaway
I only read 4 books last month and 2 of them were novellas. My reading slump KILLED me. I didn‘t do any reviews on my blog either 😩.I think I‘m back on track now. Bring it on April! #readingslumpssuck #mojoisbacknow
I'm having such a hard time this year focusing on reading but I will finish this book for book club on Tuesday. Hope it sucks me in! #readingslumpssuck
1. Nothing? After three years of living in this city I‘ve found nothing cool. I am just an hour or so away from the Dr. Seuss museum and the Eric Carle museum of Picture Book Art
2. Crisp weather and falling leaves and scarves
3. Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
4. Both depending on the book
5. What is your current read?
Ya'll, I'm in such a reading slump 😒 I've started so many books and can't seem to finish any... They're all good books I just don't seem to be in the mood for any of them. Now I'm overwhelmed looking at all the books I still have to finish. *sigh* #readingslumpssuck
#readingslumpssuck So these are the books that's I've started in the past week or so and can't seem to get into. There's not anything wrong with any of these books it's all on me. I just can't seem to focus and the more I force myself to keep reading the more I'm disliking the book😞I'm hoping to get back to all of these at some point but I've gotta just keep trying new books till I find the one🤞😌