Delightful twist. Greatly enjoyed. Beatriz Williams remains one of my favorite authors to read on steamy summer days.
Delightful twist. Greatly enjoyed. Beatriz Williams remains one of my favorite authors to read on steamy summer days.
I have been avoiding Litsy because I have been in a wicked reading slump... and apparently that was exactly the wrong thing to do because as soon as I came back to Litsy I was like ahhhh look at all these amazing things I want to read!!! Started the audio book of this last night and I am loving it so far.
Scored these incredible copies of some Big Golden Books at a book sale this week! The illustrations are so vibrant on the large scale!
In honor of my BOTM September pick I knit a mermaid tail bookmark 🧜♀️
Just watched the Netflix movie and I thought they did a good job with everything ... except the kiss at the end! What the heck was that?!
I knit mini (ornament sized) sweaters inspired by Mrs. Weasley‘s Christmas jumpers and I just got my first request for a Slytherin one... not sure how Mrs. Weasley would feel about it... but I‘m pretty pleased with how it came out.
Opened this book for the first time since vacation and a lot of North Carolina fell out
Everyone is napping before dinner and I should be too - but I can‘t seem to pass up any moment to read this book!
Hit this mile stone yesterday! A give-away with be forthcoming to celebrate!
I swear I just ran into Homegoods for some dipping oil... and somehow left without oil but with this new reading chair 😍
I love subtle geekery. It feels like a secret language when someone else notices, recognizes or catches on. As such - I‘m obsessed with this Alex and Ani snitch wrap ring 💍😍
Our feral Library cat showed up with kittens today and I‘m dying 😍😻
Librarian lady day with one of the best (who isn‘t on Litsy yet 🤨)
Did anyone else find the narrator of the audiobook to be a bit robotic sounding? I‘m getting used to it but it occasionally still catches me.
Holy dear sweet goodness sake... if I were taking a shot every time this narrator describes someone or something as “hard boiled” I would be dead.
It almost ruining this book for me.
This was very nearly a DNF for me. But after a long break and several other books, I came back and finished it and I‘m glad I did. I still don‘t know how I feel about it over all. When I started I couldn‘t put it down and then it got really dark and I couldn‘t pick it up. It‘s an interesting perspective and I think definitely worth reading... but it may be a bit of a challenge. Trigger warnings galore.
Not sure how the culinary forefathers would feel about my dinner choice, but I‘m quite pleased
🏅🎖🏆 This book was silly and ridiculous and delightful and I hope Joe Biden reads it.
Our break room is under construction so we‘ve been using one of the residences ... I‘m quite going to miss this sun room nook. I love reading in a sunroom darkened by thunderstorms listening to the rain 🌧 (as is the case today)
My reading “nook” this morning until it gets too hot - should near 100 degrees today ☀️
Does anyone else queue up their next read when they‘re getting close to the end of their current read?
Tonight I am thankful for the rain, this book, and the time to read it.
Unpopular opinion alert 🚨
This book was only just ok for me. It‘s a pick. I liked it. But I don‘t feel compelled to talk about it analyze it or tell everyone I know they have to read it. It was enjoyable enough and a quick read but I dunno maybe I was just expecting more. I may have fallen victim to the hype and expectations.
I was going to cross off gardening ... and then I realized I listened to the Storied Life of A.J. Fickery while planting basil like 3 hours ago 😂 once I start I‘m never not listening unless I‘m working ... most things crossed off are simply things I don‘t do!
Also play around on social media and as I fall asleep 😴 but these are great!
Sitting in my car listening to to this on audio because I‘d don‘t want to bother the buns whiles they‘re munching dinner and opening my car door would surely terrify them
Away for a bachelorette weekend ... everyone is still sleeping and I forgot to bring a book 😩
1. I have lost count... but when I was living in New York I moved 3 times in 2 years so that was fun.
2. I moved to Greece for Study Abroad (if that counts that wins-otherwise England was my farthest move)
3. At least 20 boxes (all the moves have limited accrual 😆).
4. I see more moves in the future (though hopefully not for a bit)
5. I have never hired movers (shout-out to my friends and family 💪🤣)
Summer Science ***GIVEAWAY*** 🔬🔭⚗️
High School Science - Loved or Hated??
Let me know by Sunday 6/10/2018 to be entered into a drawing for these two books!
U.S. only (Sorry 😔) #giveaway
I was pretty over this by the end. The feud was tiresome and repetitive. And the extreme detail, such as naming attendees at parties, award shows and events, while interesting in the beginning left me saying “who cares” by the middle especially since the list seldom varied.
Today has been a day and this week has been a week filled with things both natural and intentional, both public and personal. I don‘t have words and I don‘t have answers but I do have love and laughter and light and if anyone else needs a quick reprieve in the form of literary humor I recommend this link:
Does this look like anyone else‘s summer reading list??
I was lucky enough to pick up a bunch of these titles at the BookExpo this week (though I missed a few too 😣)
Trying to decide if I should start with Fruit of the Drunken Tree or Summer Wives 🤔
The incomparable Mary Higgins Clark
Best swag of BEA so far!! - Are You There God it‘s me Margarita Koozie. As the proud owner of Tequila Mockingbird and Gone with the Gin - I could not pass this up 🍸
Mischief managed! got to meet Brian Selznick and have him sign a cover art poster
Listening to this on audio - less than halfway through and already the feud has become tedious and repetitive but I am finding the descriptions and details of old Hollywood fascinating
Hey everyone my dear friend and fellow librarian @Miss_Shush is new to Litsy!! Let‘s show her some classic Litsy welcoming love!!! 📚❤️🎉
Made some organizational inserts for my card file craft drawers 🗄👩🎨
The man of the house took me on a relaxing weekend get-away to celebrate finishing my thesis and turning 30 all in the same week and I finally got to visit this bar in a bookstore that I have been talking about for years!!
T-minus two weeks til Thesis is due!! Logging into Litsy to plump up my TBR in anticipation ... bring on the book recs!!! 🤩📚
I figured the day I ate duck heart gravy was a good day to start this book from my TBR pile. On a mini vacation for a friend‘s wedding and I‘m squeezing in all the reading I can!
T-minus one month til Thesis is due!!
This may be my first post-grad, leisure reading present to myself read. 6 more weeks!!
Thank you so much to all who have shared and tagged and taken they survey ❤️❤️❤️ I appreciate you all so much and can not wait to return in full force to this community in the summer. There is still plenty of time to take the survey of you haven‘t yet but would like to! Love Love Love and thanks 🙏❤️📚
Survey can be accessed here: https://worcester.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dilnfQB6kXSVCwl