More like DES-Didn't Even Start. 4 pages in and nope, not for me.
#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks
More like DES-Didn't Even Start. 4 pages in and nope, not for me.
#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks
Read 2 of the 5 novellas in Lineage. Tamar's story was quite good and compelling, but Rahab's story was hella repetitive, and she kind of reminded me of Lydia from Welcome to Plathville #iykyk However, learning how the Israelites brought down the wall of Jericho was quite interesting.
So time for a break. Moving on to this month's #Bookspin
My audiobook loan just came in! I‘m a #runner- one of the ways I get more reading done since having my kid is by listening to audiobooks while running (with my jogging stroller, it‘s a three-fer!). I‘ve always thought of myself as an #ally, but since #ahmaudarbery I‘ve gotten increasingly concerned about how social media can lend itself to white folx using it to perform allyship without doing the actual work. So this is me, trying to #dothework.
In 1966, the world believed it was impossible for a woman to run the Boston Marathon. Bobbi Gibb was determined to prove them wrong. #feminist #girlpower #truestory #tbr #beautifullyillustrated
#JuneItsElectrifying Day 30: We #ScoreTonight and every night each time women are afforded the same rights as men. Bobbi‘s courage and persistence forever changed the way society viewed female athletes. Truly an inspiring story that deserves to be in every classroom. Full review: https://gatheringbooks.org/2018/04/23/monday-reading-86/
“The Girl Who Ran: Bobbi Gibb” is a bibliography written by Frances Poletti and Kristina Yee, and illustrated by Susanna Chapman. This inspiring picture book describes how Gibb‘s determination and perseverance open doors for countless women of today. In the 1960s, many individuals frowned upon women taking lead roles. And true equality was not in practice for many folks (including women, people of different ethnicity, religion, and etc.).