Just reached the part that will always make me scared of the Lincoln Tunnel. #IYKYK #LosersClub #KingFromBeginning #ITakeTheBridge
Just reached the part that will always make me scared of the Lincoln Tunnel. #IYKYK #LosersClub #KingFromBeginning #ITakeTheBridge
#5joysfriday it‘s been a glorious week of nothing much thanks to March Break. 1. I finished Mona and hung her in my bedroom ( a little gallery wall moment is happening) 2. John and I went out to dinner Wednesday to a new place in the ‘hood ( no pics) and breakfast on Thursday to an old place 3. I had a massage, got my haircut and my nails done and walked to a McDonald‘s for a fountain Diet Coke because I could 4. It was 11° C yesterday
Epoch 1, part 2: y‘all. Damn. #herewego #percyshowsup #iamnotafan #heissomanipulative #marianseesrightthroughhim #lauraavoidshim #thelawyerlikeshim #until #lauradoesntwanttomarryhim #gilmoreleavesandawaitslaurasdecision #percyhasthemaloneallweek #suddenylaurasaysyes #wtf #gilmoreworksonthesettlement #percywantsallhermoney #thatsnotsus 🙄 #fairlieallowsit #dude #idonottrustpercy #neitherdoesgilmore #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: this was a lot #buckleup #homeagain #didntgetintothesummerclass #nobackupplan #randomstoryaboutaneighborwithsixpointfivekids #nosyblackwidowneighbor #didshereallyeatrawmeat #yikes #letswriteanovel #nevermind #letslearnshorthand #nope #letshaveanexistentialcrisis #letsrethunkourentirecareerpath #atleastsheblewoffbuddy #soproud #offtogetsomemeds #uhoh #referraltoashrink #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
I watched this movie last week (Tom Hanks, #iykyk) & cried as hard as I've cried at a movie in some time. I didn't know it was based on a graphic novel until the credits rolled, & I immediately ordered it. The premise is brilliant - the "camera" stays in one place for the entirety, as we jump back & forth through time, often with multiple years in different, overlapping panes on the same page. Almost no words. So good.
Well… that was something. I have no idea how it landed on my book shelf (but a receipt tucked inside showed that I bought it in 2015).
Definitely felt like a product of its time (the 90s) and maybe had I read it 20 years ago I‘d have been more into it.
It was just ‘meh‘ for me BUT I do get where he was going which …
Didn't get anywhere the predicted amounts, right here at least #iykyk
Shoveling done and onto coffee and book time ☺️☕️📖
Ch 1: we meet the town #pigs 🐷#outhouses #crops #allthefunstuff #noverdantorverdure #nocryingorfainting #iykyk #winning #hashtagbrigade