What will happen first? Going out to eat or reading these goodies?
#shopsmall #quarantreads #tbr #pandemic #selfquarantine #quarantine #selfisolation #stayhome #staysafe #thankyouessentialworkers
What will happen first? Going out to eat or reading these goodies?
#shopsmall #quarantreads #tbr #pandemic #selfquarantine #quarantine #selfisolation #stayhome #staysafe #thankyouessentialworkers
Best thing to do during #selfquarantine - Read with your twin sister! 👧🏻 📚 🐞 👧🏻
I‘ve started all of these books. Let‘s see if I stick with any of them or the stress of covid-19 sends me into a distracted spiral.
#covid19 #selfquarantine #selfisolation #pandemic #distracted
Support small businesses during the pandemic! They need us to survive.
#shopsmall #shoplocal #independentbookstore #covid19 #selfquarantine #selfisolation #getwellsoon #flattenthecurve
My goodness!! Doesn't he paint a lovely picture? I think "endless Gregorian chant of smell" will join my list of choice phrases.
#plagueyears #selfquarantine
This seems appropriate.
#selfquarantine #socialdistancing