Has any one tackled this doozy?!? Just started today but I'm feeling like it won't seem too terribly long given it's readability.....
TiffReadsAndRuns Love, love, love The Stand! One of my favorite King books 9y
Eyelit ❤️ The Stand! I flew through it when I read it (though some sections are more readable than others, depending on which character he's focusing on). Hope you enjoy it! Have you seen the miniseries? 9y
Yournewfriendsams @TiffReadsBooks Yay glad to hear people have enjoyed. I like it a lot so far. 9y
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PenguinInFlight This is one of my favorites as well! It is a little daunting as there are a ton of characters, but it does come together. ☺️ 9y
Aluciddream It has been probably 6-7 years but yes I have. It is amazing. I recommend eyes of the dragon also. You will see Flagg again and again 9y
Theresa @Josie Is reading it right now & has been posting updates. 9y
Yournewfriendsams @Eyelit Going into it, I didn't know much about the book at all. Haven't seen miniseries or movie! I'm really excited to hear you and others have enjoyed! I'll let you know what I think when finished ☺️ 9y
AndreaReads I'm reading it, and as much as I love dystopian novels, I'm having a hard time with it. So many people I know love it, so I'm reluctant to give up... 9y
Texreader My favorite King book. 9y
DebinHawaii I have not read it in years but it is definitely a favorite and do see the miniseries once you have read it. 👍🏻 9y
Yournewfriendsams @PenguinInFlight @Aluciddream Yay so many good reviews! I'm super pumped about this! And thank you for the other reco, Hope! 9y
Sarahr875 It is fantastic!! Very much worth your time. Some parts drag but I loved it. It did take me a little bit to get into it though. 9y
Yournewfriendsams @Theresa oo thanks for the heads-up. I'll check out her posts! 9y
Yournewfriendsams @Texreader @DebinHawaii @Sarahr875 Awesome! So glad you guys enjoyed- y'all are giving me inspo to knock this one out of the park! 9y
Yournewfriendsams @AndreaReads maybe you're in one of the slow parts? In a book this big, I guess not everything can be fast-paced. Also, nothing wrong with bailing on something that's just not doing it for you ☺️ 9y
AndreaReads Absolutely! @Yournewfriendsam I think I'm used to the get-to-the-point of YA, that it takes me awhile to get used to "Big Kid" books... ? 9y
Marchpane Yes, love the Stand! It can be read in one big binge, or broken into chunks to be read almost like a series, because there are quite distinct sections. 9y
ImaginativeMom @AndreaReads I have this same problem re switching from YA to general lit! 9y
Yournewfriendsams @Marchpane ooo, good to know! I usually read only one book at a time but maybe for this one I'll squeeze break-books in-between sections! 9y
Josie I'm about 450 pages in! It has fast chapters and other chapters that seem to drag for awhile, but it's really good! 9y
Zelma One of my favorites of all time. It's been awhile since my last read but I've read it a few times. Very engaging. 9y
MrBook It's a #slogfest. My recommendation: grab some boilermakers and bear it 😆! I liked it a lot. I felt so accomplished after finishing it when I was a teenager. 9y
Gayan Amazing book. Frannie Goldsmith is my spirit animal. 9y
ApoptyGina69 My favorite book of all time. I own 4 copies (different editions). The characters will become your friends. Except the evil ones of course! I really hope you enjoy it. 9y
Jenni_Capps Yes!! I took my time reading it and really enjoyed it! It made me grow really attached to the characters so when I got done reading it, it was strange not to have them anymore. So worth the read. 9y
cariashley I have it on audio and it's so. Long. Haven't started it yet; anyone recommend the audio over print? 9y
KimM Fantastic book! 9y
KimHM This was my first King and I found that it sets a bar none of his others can reach. 9y
[DELETED] 2232195534 Read it in the '70's when it first came out. Loved it. The audio is good, but it's no matter how you do it. Epic, for at least. 9y
Marni My absolute favorite by King, one of my favs period. I've read it twice. 9y