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Ben was a baby boomer transgender man. He didn‘t transition until his 40s, so he understood the treatment of both women and men in science. He wrote this book as he was dying of pancreatic cancer. In addition to being fairly heavy on the science of his discoveries, he also shares about the sexism he encountered as a young person and his tireless advocacy on the part of women in the hard sciences. #audiobook

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A bit dry and writing was rather straightforward but still very informative & interesting. Born female, Ben Barres always felt more male than female & could not relate to his twin sister. A self described #ScienceNerd from early on, the author dreamed of spending his life studying the human brain & body. He didn‘t transition until his mid 40‘s so spent most of his student life & professional life as a marginalized overlooked female scientist. 👇🏽

Cinfhen After transitioning, Ben Barnes vocally and loudly calls out all of the gender inequality that was and is still rampant in academia. Sadly, Ben Barres was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and died too young. #NonFictionChallenge21 #WrittenByATransAuthor 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Such a sad ending to his story and your review. 4y
Cinfhen Yes, it is sad @Riveted_Reader_Melissa because there was SO MUCH more he could have accomplished 4y
TrishB Aww, another sad story. Sexism in academia, yep! 4y
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Nothing But the Truth: (and a Few White Lies) | Justina Chen, Justina Chen Headley

I liked this book. It‘s more than just dealing with the culture clash of having mixed parents with different cultures growing up. It was something that even if your not from mixed cultures you can understand. She is a very good writer.

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I tried to write this review several times. Dr. Ben Barres seems like he was brave and passionate and kind. I‘m sad that he isn‘t around anymore. It was wonderful to read about his life. But I could have used more background on the science, more explanations. I know the time he had to write was limited. I‘m happy we got what we got.

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#LiteraryLuck Day 15: Women have always been told what #Games they can or cannot play. This nonfiction title highlighted the period (1890s) when most people thought that women shouldn‘t play basketball, a sports designed for men. Yet, Stanford and Berkeley were gearing up for the very first inter-collegiate sports, ever, including basketball #games for women. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-hSD

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I love basketball 🏀 6y
vkois88 Awesome! 6y
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I highly recommend this book to everyone. Even in just the Foreword, Barres‘ blistering ferocity AND humor comes through clearly.
Barres‘ life is fascinating and I wish it, and the first section of the book, had been longer. The Science section was fairly dry, even as a reader with a minor in neuroscience - I‘d recommend that readers feel free to skip that section, and focus on the first (Life) and third (advocacy) sections.

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Stolen from a Twitter feed.I am not on Facebook, but not criticizing those who are . All of us use “free “ social media but as I heard someone on the radio say :If you are not buying the product , YOU are the product.

AmyG Ha! This is quite funny. I deleted Facebook a few weeks ago. I just don‘t trust them. Now I can soend more time on Litsy. 7y
Suet624 Steve Wozniak of Apple was the one who said that. I wish I could quit Facebook. 6y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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The professor I did my Archaeology internship under in the Philippines is presenting at Stanford tonight. This place is one of my favorite places in the entire world ❤️🌲❤️. So lucky that I've got to spend so much time here!! #stanford #californiagirl #sunshine #whereiam #fearthetree #nerdnation