I liked this one! #audiobook #readingwithmyears #levarburtonreads #takealookitsinabook #boutofbooks
I liked this one! #audiobook #readingwithmyears #levarburtonreads #takealookitsinabook #boutofbooks
First up for day 2 of #boutofbooks, Levar Burton reading the short story "Kin" by Bruce McAllister.
Did you hear me, #Littens? "LEVAR BURTON READS" IS A PODCAST! He reads his favorite short stories, enhanced with background music & sound effects. Yes, please! #audiobook #readingwithmyears #currentread #currentlyreading #takealookitsinabook #levarburtonreads
Still catching up on #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge and am just too damn lazy to start up with Roy G Biv right now so instead I offer you a bit of booknerd nostalgia for my #bookrainbow Also thinking of you NextGen fans😊 #TakeALookItsInABook @RealLifeReading