Just realized I can't go to Levar Burton Reads bc I have to work a library event that night. Library events are worth it but this by no means negates the need to self-soothe. Also, I have no self-control.
Just realized I can't go to Levar Burton Reads bc I have to work a library event that night. Library events are worth it but this by no means negates the need to self-soothe. Also, I have no self-control.
An oral history of Reading Rainbow 📚 🌈
Look what came in the mail today! I ordered this a couple of weeks ago and can't wait to wear it! www.teefury.com
#riotgrams A Reading Rainbow! 🌈
Not book related but I saw a DOUBLE RAINBOW a few minutes ago! That's gotta be good luck, right? If only it was around earlier when I was reading outside!
Still catching up on #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge and am just too damn lazy to start up with Roy G Biv right now so instead I offer you a bit of booknerd nostalgia for my #bookrainbow Also thinking of you NextGen fans😊 #TakeALookItsInABook @RealLifeReading