Library book haul 🤓What should I read first? #libraryhaul #whattoreadfirst #youwillknowme #thewangsvstheworld #thecouplenextdoor #theperfectgirl #thecomfortoflies #illuminae #stillmine
Library book haul 🤓What should I read first? #libraryhaul #whattoreadfirst #youwillknowme #thewangsvstheworld #thecouplenextdoor #theperfectgirl #thecomfortoflies #illuminae #stillmine
So glad I finally got to read this! The Wangs lose their wealth in the US recession and are now on a road trip across the country. Antics ensue. I usually can't read anything while I'm sick, but I managed to plow through this in about two days, which is really saying something.
#debutnovel #TheWangsvsTheWorld #2016greatreads #readingdiversely #awesomeauthors
Lunch-time reading. 😎
#TheWangsvsTheWorld #currentlyreading #JadeChang
It was a total thrill to talk about #thewangsvstheworld on Late Night with Seth Meyers last night—he is an incredibly generous host and makes it all feel so easy and fun!
Watch it here!: http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers/video/lester-holt-alia-shawkat-ja...
Wandering around Dallas today before my event at B&N here tonight for #thewangsvstheworld - so glad I got to visit Wild Detectives, a bookstore/cafe/bar named after the Roberto Bolano novel! Felt like an oasis on a dark day. Picked up a paperback of The Sellout and can't wait to finish reading it.
Today we kick off our new series, Authors Queries!Head over to Facebook and check out our interview with Jade Chang, author of THE WANGS VS. THE WORLD. And if you have followed her yet, Jade is on Litsy! You can find her @jadechang !! 🎉📚
#AuthorsQueries #thewangsvstheworld
Thanks so much to the amazing #ElliotBayBooks in Seattle for hosting #thewangsvstheworld last week! Best reading backdrop! #getindie
I. LOVE. THIS. BOOK. It's funny and brilliant and beautiful. I felt as if I moved around with the Wangs, witnessing their woes and knowing they would be always find a way to be together and to be okay.
History, money, family, love, betrayal, and second chances all swirl to make this a rich, fluffy, delicious mix - like Andrew's fried rice.
Rating: 4.2 stars.
#Bookreview #thewangsvstheworld #hmhbooks #BOTMPick #diversebooks