🤯 Wait, What?! #very #interesting #read can‘t wait to talk to my doctor about this...
🤯 Wait, What?! #very #interesting #read can‘t wait to talk to my doctor about this...
Here's my current cozy read ✨ I'll be reading cozy mysteries the rest of the month, please feel free to join me at any time! @mcipher has already signed up!! Make a post about which cozy you're reading and tag me! 💖 #ilovecozies #theprotaginthisonekicksass #shesacontractor #withmaleemployeeswhoactuallyrespecther #howneatisthat #alsofeatureshunkycopaspotentialromanceinterest #sofullofsuspence👀 #very🔥🔥🔥
#This was a #very #creepy read! (should have read it for Halloween) I #adored the #characters especially Mara, Noah and Daniel. The plot was unpredictable. I feel #like Mara's slow but steady deterioration into #madness was upsetting because she doubted #herself and I #think it's really #scary not knowing if you're sane or not. Did I mention I love Noah Shaw? All in all, a #great #read!