Me trying to hide my hobbies behind a large pumpkin iced coffee while I'm at work. How's everyone's Tuesday looking? 🍁🍂📚📖📝#wannabeauthor #ifyouwanttoreaditwriteit #pumpkin #fall #notreallyits90degrees
Me trying to hide my hobbies behind a large pumpkin iced coffee while I'm at work. How's everyone's Tuesday looking? 🍁🍂📚📖📝#wannabeauthor #ifyouwanttoreaditwriteit #pumpkin #fall #notreallyits90degrees
The articles prepared me for rejection. Of course I knew it would happen, and I told myself I wouldn't cry. I totally cried 😂 rejection # 1 has officially arrived. But I will barrel through it. And stay positive, and hopefully someday the books I have written will be read by the fabulous people on this site. #staystrong #keepgoing #write #wannabeauthor #someday #fiction #itsokaytocry
There is such a fine line in fantasy between revealing too little information or too much to readers. Complex clues may not be enough to get someone through the first half of a book. But a reader can't be treated as though they are stupid either. So what's the answer? Do you get bored quickly? Or do you like a slow build? #wannabeauthor #fiction #amateurproblems 💫
Discounted bags of Christmas candy! 🙌 I've been reading over my edits all day, and this bowl has been both my best friend and my worst enemy. Have a wonderful Saturday night! 💫 #wannabeauthor #ifyouwanttoreaditwriteit #work
Back on that "Gonna finish this trilogy and quit my crappy job" grind! Happy reading today! #ifyouwanttoreaditwriteit #wannabeauthor wish me luck ? this is what it feels like when your brain is about to combust ?much love to editors! You're magical beings with such a talent. I can't decide if I'm laying, laid, lain, past or passed!!! ? at least I know my "theirs" ??#ifyouwanttoreaditwriteit #wannabeauthor #write
On that editing grind... #editing #wannabeauthor #somedaywhenimfamous 💫if you want to read it, write it. 📖📝✒️💡
Working and going over chapter four of my trilogy for my writers group tonight! Hopefully get good feedback so I can continue final edits! #creativity #writealways #wannabeauthor #writer If you want to read it, write it!!! #trilogy 📚📖📝✒️❤️💛💚💙💜