Watson hanging out with me. He is my lazy loaf. I love him. #Watson #CatsofLitsy #readingbuddyforlife
Watson hanging out with me. He is my lazy loaf. I love him. #Watson #CatsofLitsy #readingbuddyforlife
If anybody sees this somewhere for less than $30, will you please let me know? I should‘ve bought him when I first discovered the Sherlock Funko figures, but at the time, I didn‘t know I‘d have a son named Watson 😞.
#sherlock #watson #mydearwatson #funko #funkopop #funkofriday
I like the friendship between Holmes and Watson. They're exactly two great friends, who understand each other. ☺
#sherlockholmes #sherlockholmesseries #drwatson #watson #thereturnofsherlockholmes #thedancingman #thedancingmancase #professormoriarty #ireneadler #detective #london #londonthings #221Bbakerstreet #bakerstreet221b #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #bibliophile
"Da li je moguce da u isto vrijeme nesto i zelite i ne zelite? Da pozuda ide ruku pod ruku sa strahom?"
#beforeigotosleep #steven #watson