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Our GSD, Pippa, had 2 grand mal seizures this morning (she's an epileptic with her own neurologist 😂🙄). Who can not love a doctor's office who gets you in right away, where the doctor re-eveluates and readjusts her medications, and the assistant puts her medication in a bag like this?
#weshouldallbetreatedaswell @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks: she'd be great for #LL! I'll have to find out her name! 🤩

AnnCrystal 🐕‍🦺🙏💝. Sweet personalization 🐾👍. (edited) 4mo
TheBookHippie Awe ♥️🐾 4mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
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dabbe @AnnCrystal 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
AmyG I hope she is doing ok. ❤️🙏🏻 4mo
Mollyanna ❤️🐶❤️ 4mo
Ruthiella Vets almost always love their patients…human doctors not so much! Glad Pippa‘s got what she needs. ❤️🐶 4mo
Hooked_on_books What a wonderful comfort to have such a good doc to take her to. I‘m so happy for you and her to be in good hands! 4mo
Cupcake12 Oh no! I hope Pippa recovers quickly 🐾 4mo
Yuki_Onna Oh, how sweet! Hope Pippa gets well soon again! 💞 4mo
willaful Best of luck for Pippa. 4mo
ShelleyBooksie I'm so sorry to hear that and I am so thrilled to hear that your vet is providing her with excellent care ♡♡♡ 4mo
Read4life Many hugs to Pippa & you! What a fantastic doc. 💙🐶💙 4mo
dabbe @AmyG She's a fighter and is doing much better today. Thanks, dear friend. 💙🩵💙 4mo
dabbe @Mollyanna 💙🩵💙 4mo
dabbe @Ruthiella 🐾😘🐾 4mo
dabbe @Hooked_on_books Thank you! 🐾😘🐾 4mo
dabbe @Yuki_Onna 🐾😘🐾 4mo
dabbe @willaful 🐾😘🐾 4mo
dabbe @ShelleyBooksie 🐾😘🐾 4mo
dabbe @Read4life She adores Pippa. 🐾😘🐾 4mo
Aimeesue Oh, I‘m so sorry, Pippa! Seizures are so, so scary, and exhausting. I hope she‘s back to her normal- feeing self soon! 💙 4mo
dabbe @Aimeesue She‘s doing better today. Thanks for the kind words. 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
dabbe @PaperbackPirate 💙🩵💙 4mo
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