Okay, so I went a liiiiiiiittle bit overboard with the #wordsearch #game for #Scarathlon2022 this week 😁
I spent hours and hours poring over countless dictionaries, whenever I read a book words that fit jumped at me; it took me ages to find sleep because I mulled over the word lists...
Don't worry, that sounds worse than it was - if you didn't notice already - I tend to obsess over word search games! 😊😂
They're my absolute favourite and I had a blast this week!✌️
Be assured I double and triple checked my results before the final check-in!!!
🥳Checking in at 1353 found words from this week's word search for #TeamSlaughter 🥳
#Scarathlon #wordcount #ChocolateChipCookieMurder #wordsearchgame
(edited) 2y