Dickensian Lord of the Flies for kids. I'm in. And booktalking it to elementary schoolers.
Dickensian Lord of the Flies for kids. I'm in. And booktalking it to elementary schoolers.
Deliciously creepy and bizarre. I love kids books that take on big ideas, especially when they do so in unnerving ways. This is a book about anxiety, and coming to terms with the imperfections of brains and bodies. An excellent read whilst tucked away in a little beach nest for the weekend.
A novel in poetry -- I love this Concrete poem.
Yes. This.
It feels weird to be reading such a nasty book over such a pleasant lunch.
This book has such a promising premise (kids in 1996 find their future Facebook profiles), but it ends up squandered on a boring "girl figures out she is meant to be with her friend, which we all knew obviously all along" plot. Could have been so much more.
I'm not even a quarter of the way through this book and it might be my favorite of the year. I love these weird little chapters nestled amongst the forward momentum of the plot. Little details and glimpses and zooming-ins.
An excellent depiction of the transition from selfishness to empathy that can happen as one grows up a little. Plus, I couldn't get enough of all the lovely absurd British-isms and onomatopoeia. And it was about adoption, which is a topic near and dear to my heart. Will very likely be booktalking this one at schools in the spring.
This book is very funny. I very much hope this main character realizes what a self-centered jerk she is.
I'm actually reading a collection of comics called The Shirley Jackson Project, but isn't in the Litsy database! This particular page hit close to home right now.
Why yes, I did find a middle grade novel about puzzle rooms.
Just realized it is Mr. King's birthday today and I'm reading a Stephen King novel! Love it so far.
I have just started this and it is amazing and beautiful and I can't believe I haven't read it. Perfect summer vacation book.
Super creepy. Listening to the audiobook and really liking it. Kind of reminds me of The Witch (the movie).
This book is all kinds of wonderful.
So I was reading two other books and then I read the first page of this one. Sorry other books.
An account of the Borden trial for kids as young as 10? Intrigued.
Currently reading! Middle grade creepiness set in the Caribbean!
It's vacation, so I am reading a book I want to read instead of a book I have to read. So excited.
This ENTIRE book has been third person from Clary's POV, and now suddenly and randomly on page 323 there's a chapter from Jace's. This book, man.
Not quite sure why a quote I can't understand starts part two of this book.
Pyromaniacs, twins, mental hospitals -- this book has a lot going on. It's keeping me in my toes, and look how beautiful the cover it!
This already reminds me of The Incredible Journey and Trumpet of the Swan. I'm sold. I can tell it's going to make me cry.